-Dιʋιɳҽ Pσɯҽɾʂ

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[Author: hey guys, thanks for 500 reads. love the support. sorry for not updating. as you may or may not not know, a month ago I was in a car crash. I spent a week, ya-da ya-da ya-da. I'm all better now. I got my visa ready and I'm going college soon so yeah. so I hope you've enjoyed the story.

Let's get on with the next chapter...]



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-ʇɥɓıǝ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ


"...divine powers?" Katsuki repeated, confused.

Where he watched out into an empty desert that seemed straight out of a sci-fi, riding on a camel to save Y/n and Deku exceptionally. And with a doppelganger goddess with him to stop a Pharaoh from crossing over into his world. He didn't think things would possibly get any weirder. "Wait, you're saying that I...have powers?"

"Yes!" Lumina chirped. "Whoever has the divine god's key marks, also harness the powers of a deity. So... basically, you're kind of like a demi-god so to speak."

"A demi-god?"

Lumina held out three fingers and began to explain. "There are three types of Divine Keys. One of Wisdom, Guidance and Strength. From what I've noticed from your sword and your actions earlier. I would assume you have the Key of Strength. You're agile, strong, and a super soldier in a sense."

Bakugou pondered, looking over at his golden tattoo before having an idea of unsheathing his sword. Taking it out, he took a look at the glyphs engraved on it, "You have a clue of what any of this means?" he asked. He gently hands her his sword.

"Yes, though it's been some time since I've read ancient glyphs. Plus they're pretty small." she said. Looking closely at the blade.

Suddenly, the blade started to glow and blinded Lumina.

"Gah!" she covered her eyes and dropped the blade in the process. "What the!" Bakugou shouted.

"Looks like the sword won't let me read its script. It will only tell us what it means when the times is right, I think." Lumina explained, rubbing her eyes.

"So you're saying this thing is being sassy? Terrific." Bakugou scoffed sarcastically and picked up the blade.

"That's one way of putting it." Lumina sweat dropped.

"That's just great."

Lumina quietly giggled before facing ahead, her smile quickly rose. "Ohh! We're here~~"

Katsuki laid his eyes right before a pyramid with lion statues and pedestals ranged in front. Not far, was an oasis of palm trees and lush plant life, assisted and caretaken by the servants and maids that worked around there.

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