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-ᴎɘɘƚᎸiᎸ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮_________________________________________

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-ᴎɘɘƚᎸiᎸ ɿɘƚqɒʜɔ╮


After wandering day and night in the epoch wasteland on two horses, Lumina and Bakugou continued to flee from the fuming sandstorms; created by the primordial god of Sky and Wind.

The goddess looked up to the stars for guidance before they began to fade away - and the morning was upon them. The two moons forever visible in the atmosphere. She turned behind her, her brother was still there, possibly enraged. The closer the storms were - the closer he approaches.

"Keigo never gives up," she sighed.

"Well, you did run away without telling him," Bakugou murmured.

"Silence! I'm assisting you here, recollect that!" Lumina irked. "Anyway. We've been galloping all night. From the stars and the rocky terrain we're on, I happen to know where we are headed."

"Is it where Y/n is?"

"Not quite, though it's a bit of a shortcut. It will save us days in advance. We'll...have to get through the primordial champion first."


Lumina pointed forth and Bakugou turned over to a vast wall towering over a hundred tempi of sandstone and brick. With fallen eroding pillars aging away into sand dunes. They couldn't even see what was on the other side from where they were standing.

 They couldn't even see what was on the other side from where they were standing

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"What the heck is that?!" Bakugou floundered in amazement.

"The Gates Of The Champion. To pass, we must acknowledge her riddle. But no one has answered and survived her."

"Riddle? Like the Sphinx?"

"Yes, her task is to offer riddles to wanderers who seek passage. But she isn't the kind of somebody for that."

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