Act 2

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After the encounter with the goddess Xiao has been looking forward to the day they meet again

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After the encounter with the goddess Xiao has been looking forward to the day they meet again.  He figured that the God wouldn't come to him, so he yet again went to find the pretty lady.

He figured that she wouldn't be in the pool again so he looked in other locations. After looking for a few hours he found a few hilichurls looking at the huge domain doors.

There has never been a domain here before.

Xiao slaughtered all of the hilichurls and hesitatingly opened the huge doors.

Inside it was a  bamboo forest with a small trail.

He had no idea where it leaded, nor what the domain had to offer, yet the curiosity was unbearable, so he continued walking deeper into the forest

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He had no idea where it leaded, nor what the domain had to offer, yet the curiosity was unbearable, so he continued walking deeper into the forest.

Everywhere he looked at were bamboos. It was a beautiful sight, making the adeptus relax a bit, but he couldn't let down his guard yet.

Walking deeper into the forest he found a few sakura trees and a huge palace.

He walked up to the stairs leading to the huge building, seeing a small figure on top.

He walked up to the stairs leading to the huge building, seeing a small figure on top

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He was already questioning if he should go back or go forward. Who knew though? Maybe someone in this domain was planning to harm the people in Liyue?  He didn't know, but if that is the case, he has to go forward and devour whoever that was.

He started going up the stairs, never looking away from the figure standing on top of them.

The closer he got, the more details he could tell about this strange creature.

(H/L), (H/C), the same kimono. No doubt about it.

It was the one and only Goddess of chaos and void.

"Funny seeing you here, Adeptus Xiao."

Said the God

"What is this domain doing here? And what are you doing here?"

"No hello? Alright. Anyways, this is my domain, my home. Do you like it?" The Goddess asked teasingly. Though Xiao wouldn't call anything beautiful just yet, to keep the cold-hearted personality type.

"Your domain? When did you even have the time to build it and all?"

"Just because you found out about me a few days back doesn't mean I never existed. Trust me, I had time." Answered the lady.

Xiao sort of felt embarrassed. A God even an adeptus didn't know, and some petty mortals did? Unacceptable.

After standing in an awkward silence for a moment (Y/N) spoke up again.

"Wanna walk around?"



Now they were walking up a tall mountain. Apparently there was (Y/N)'s shrine.  The view from the mountain was beautiful, no, the whole domain was very pretty. The bamboo forest, sakura forest, the Chinese palace, the shrines. Everything in total was breathtaking.

When they  got to the top he could finally see the shrine. It wasn't big, nothing too special, but the aura around it was  intimidating.

(Y/N) started speaking

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(Y/N) started speaking.

"This Shrine hold thousands of souls inside of it.
It used to be a special place where people pray, but now it's just a war zone. "

She paused and looked at Xiao who was also looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate .

"A few thousand years back there was a small village. It wasn't a needy one, which is why I took a liking into it and set up this shrine there.

One particular day, a woman found the shrine. She putted her hands together and started praying, wishing. She said that her son is ill, and thinks that he is having his last days, her wish was to make them his best.  Feeling bad for the woman I decided to give the boy another chance and healed him, so he can live a long life. After that the woman announced to the whole village that a miracle happened and that the Gods have listened to her prayers. She told them about this shrine and where it was. 

After that more and more people came wishing, praying for better lives, for good payments and fortune. I would grant their wishes, which was a huge mistake. They kept coming, wanting more and more. After that they started getting angrier, one person having more treasure than the other leaded them to a war.

It kept going until Gods have had enough. We decided to seal them inside of this shrine, where all of this has started."

Her eyes were closed. She looked calm.
Xiao was staring yet again at the Goddess, it must've hurt to see her village getting sealed in her own shrine, but it seems that she knows that it was for the better.

"So that's why the aura is so intimidating."

"That's right. Now enough about these depressing backstories. Care to have a drink with me?"

She looked at the adeptus.


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