Act 13

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For the next few days, all the adeptus could think of were the three words she told him

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For the next few days, all the adeptus could think of were the three words she told him.

                                  " I love you"

Those words he thought he'd never hear. Them coming out of your mouth made his heart flutter, the world seemed to become about ten times more beautiful.

If he could he would make you say those three words over and over again to please him, but even if he did, he's pretty sure he'd never get enough of it.

Today the Goddess and the adeptus have decided to go to the city of freedom. They didn't have any business there, just a small date.

About two hours into the way they decided to make a small picnic to rest a bit.

They laid out a blanket and putted down some baskets filled with food. Of course Y/N has prepared some almond tofu for her beloved adeptus.

Once they have settled in they began eating.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"How come I've never seen you fight before? You must be pretty strong since you're a God right?"

Xiao couldn't help but be curious about her strength, most of the Gods could destroy the whole Teyvat if they wanted to, he wonders if she could do something like that too?

"There hasn't been anything dangerous happening around, so I don't have any reason for fighting. Say, why are you so curious?"

"Just wondering."

And it became silent again. Y/N suddenly stood up and walked over to Xiao and sat down behind him so she could hug him from behind.

This wasn't new to Xiao, but his ears still betrayed him by getting all red.

She was running her hands up and down over his stomach, breathing calmly.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"You know... hugging me from behind? Is it normal?"

"It's not something I'd do for anyone... let's say I like being near you."

This wasn't good for Xiao's heart. This woman is going to be the end of him. Why does she keep saying these kind of things so straightforwardly?

"I.. like being near you too..."

He said shyly, making Y/N blush a bit.

"Awww!! Xiao you are so adorable!"

She squeezed him tighter.

"Ouch- Ouch! Y/N! You're holding..! Too tight!"

"Oops- sorry!"

He sighed and turned around so he could see her face. He touched her cheek and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Y/N was taken aback from the gesture. Xiao was just so adorable to her. I mean, look at him- he looks so clueless about relationships and gets flustered so easily! He's absolutely adorable!

But all these small gestures from Xiao means a lot to her. He doesn't usually like any contact, yet with her he wouldn't try to move away if she hugs him.

"Y/N, I didn't get to say it back the other day, but I really really really l.. love you too."

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