Act 10

732 41 19

People from Liyue have been talking about something happening near the Wangshu Inn, but the adeptus, even though he lives there, has no idea what's been up, so he intended to find out

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People from Liyue have been talking about something happening near the Wangshu Inn, but the adeptus, even though he lives there, has no idea what's been up, so he intended to find out.

He's been walking around a bit until he saw a group of people, whispering among themselves.

He jumped on a tree so he could see whatever they were looking at, and what he saw was unexpected.


On the ground

Blood everywhere


He started gasping for air, taking deep breathes, sweat all over his face.

Bad dream, nothing new for the adeptus, yet this one made him feel more scared than usual.

But how could he possibly know that this dream won't come true?

He's getting anxious again, he doesn't know what to do.

"Where is she..."


(Y/N) was peacefully sleeping in her domain, dreaming about a certain someone.

She liked this dream, but of course someone had to wake her up at the best moment.

Someone was on top of her, hugging her.

She's totally not disappointed that her dream got interrupted anymore.

It was Xiao. Yes, the cold, emotionless adeptus, on top of her and to top it all- hugging her.

She slowly hugged him back, making him flinch a bit since he didn't know she was awake. She looks around the room, looking if Chingyu was around, fortunately, she wasn't.

"Xiao..? What's wrong?"

He stayed silent.

She took it as a sign he doesn't want to talk, maybe had a rough night and all? If he wants to, he will open up later.

"I had a bad dream.."

She should've guessed. Of course he didn't come for he-

"You died in it."

Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. So he did come for her, he was scared that his dream would come true so he came to see you..


He looks at her, still on top of her.


She gently held his cheeks and pulled his face closer to hers, but then stopped, hesitating.

What if he will be disgusted and leave her? She can't risk on doing something that will make him hate her.
But then Xiao quickly closed the gap between their lips, kissing her.

Her mind went blank, everything happened so quickly.

She kisses back.

He only came here to see if she was okay and now they're kissing??

He inserts his tongue.

Both of them being blushing messes but still not breaking the kiss.

A few seconds later Xiao pulls away and they both start gasping for air.

Xiao looks away, looking like a whole tomato, while (Y/N) stares at him.

"Xiao, you're a good kisser"

Xiao looks at her getting redder every second. How did this happen, he doesn't know, but it felt nice and right.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. I hope nothing changes between us." He says silently.

"Oh? So you still wanna be friends? After this kiss I thought we would at least be a couple, not to mention you came to see me in the middle of the night just because of a dream. I think you might've just developed a crush on me." She says and smirks.

"Well you kis-kissed me back, so that means you like me too.... Right..?" He asked shyly.

Xiao has never experienced anything like this, he doesn't know how all relationships work, but (Y/N) is willing to show him.

"I think I made it obvious, but yes, adeptus Xiao, I like you." She smiles. Oh, the gentle, beautiful smile she has.

He slowly leans in and kisses her again. This time a little shorter, but still giving both of them butterflies.

After the kiss Xiao laid down next to (Y/N), hugged her and went to sleep, now having peaceful dreams.

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