Act 11

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The next morning when Xiao wake up he couldn't help but feel like something was missing, that something, or well more specifically someone being you

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The next morning when Xiao wake up he couldn't help but feel like something was missing, that something, or well more specifically someone being you.

He remembered the events that happened last night and started blushing madly.

What does this mean.. are you both still friends or something more? He wants to know, and to confirm everything he needed to find you.

He got out of bed feeling better than ever, first time in forever getting a normal nights sleep.

He walked out of the palace looking around for any signs of you, only to be met with nothing but a bamboo forest in front of him.

Xiao walked up the mountain where was standing your shrine, but still no signs of you. He didn't know if he should be worried or not, it's not the first time you have disappeared so..


She hugged him from behind. No matter how many times you did it he could never get used to it, your touch always made him blush madly.

"How did you sleep, Xiao?"

She asked.

"G-good... thanks to you." He sounded shy, the God quickly caught up, knowing that he wanted to ask about something.

"Go on, ask your question. You don't have to be so awkward about it."
She encouraged him.

Xiao stayed silent for a moment, still a bit uncertain if he should just leave it at that or ask.

He wants to know, but maybe it would be better to let you ask first so he doesn't have to feel all embarrassed after..

But he wants to know now, it's now or never.

"Y/N, what are we?"

The girl stared at him, not knowing what to say. She knew that both of them had feelings for each other, but it was still new to them both.

"Mm.... Well, a couple I suppose?"

A couple. Xiao's heart can't take this, this is the most affection he has ever gotten and everything is moving so fast. But if it's with you, he is determined to try and make things work out. He felt at peace with you, everything seemed to be working out for him.

"So what do couples do?"

"............ I don't know...."

Yeah it was awkward as hell.

Later both of them agreed on taking a walk.

Y/N was walking in front of Xiao, leading the way. Neither of them knew where they were going, but they didn't care, as long as they're together there's nothing to worry about.

After a few minutes Y/N stopped and looked at the adeptus, stopping him in his tracks.

She took his hand and started walking again.

Again Xiao becomes a blushing tomato. Your hands seemed to fit perfectly into his. So small, so soft. Almost perfectly made for each other.

Sometimes he forgets that you are a God. If he didn't know any better he'd think that you were an innocent human being, he almost found it hard to believe that you killed thousands of people.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"...I heard there's this new popular restaurant in... in Liyue Harbour.. I was wondering if you... perhaps.. wanted to accompany me..?"

"Aw, are you asking me on a date?"

She asked smugly.


He kept cursing at himself for always stuttering around you, but you would always think that it's adorable.

"Sure! Lead the way adeptus"

And they started walking towards Liyue.


None of them have noticed before, that everyone was staring at them. The cold adeptus hand in hand with the God of void. Truly a one in a million sight, who would've thought. Both of them looked like cold hearted beings, no one would ever even think about them both at the same time, but here they are, on their first official date at the new restaurant in Liyue harbour.

Whispers were heard all over the place, but the God and the adeptus payed no mind, they want to enjoy the date to it's fullest.

"Say Xiao. You haven't told me about yourself that much, have you? I want to know more about your backstory, it would only be fair since you already know mine."

She spoke up.

"Well, maybe one day I shall tell you."

"Eeeh?? Why not now?"

She pouted.

"I don't wanna ruin our.......... date.."

It was her turn to blush. Never in a million years has she expected him to say, or well admit that it was a date, not that she's complaining.

"Another time then." She smiled.

Soon after the waitress came and got their orders, them both ordering their favourite dishes.

First date: success.

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