Act 6

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Right now (Y/N) is swimming in the Luhua pool, while the adeptus and Chingyu are patiently waiting for her

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Right now (Y/N) is swimming in the Luhua pool, while the adeptus and Chingyu are patiently waiting for her. A few minutes later she swims back and tells Chingyu to leave and prepare food. The assistant nods and disappears.

"(Y/N), what were you doing in Inazuma?"  The adeptus finally spoke up.

"Hm? Isn't it obvious? I went to investigate."

"Investigate what exactly?"

"Inazumas current situation of course, and Zhongli wanted to know about the traveller or something, I don't know." Answers the pretty God.

"For two weeks?" Xiao was actually mad. It's not that he misses you! It's just that he sort of got attached to you. There's just something about you, that the adeptus can't get rid of.

"Listen, getting a boat to Inazuma and back isn't easy. Inazuma is going through weird stuff and there's a lockdown. No one can get in or out, so it took some time." Elaborated (Y/N).


"Whatever, let me make it up to you, adeptus. What would you like to do?" The Goddess looked at him with an expecting look.

"I don't need anything. Just don't leave without saying anything again."

"I left a note!"

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did, we can check right now!" She challenged.





"Told you."

"Hmpf." Xiao looked away in embarrassment.

There really was a note inside the palace, on the table that they both had tea on before.

"Hey hey, read it!" She said teasingly.

"Why should I? You're back aren't you?"

"Just read it- stop being stubborn." She rolled her eyes.

"I-.... Fine."

The goddess of chaos and void, is not what he exactly expected after the speech of her hatred towards humans. He thought she would be more serious about... everything, but she's basically a child.

He took the note and started reading.

Hey, my lovely adeptus! I'm on a small vacation with my beloved Chingyu. Don't miss me too much! Love you!

(Y/N) <3

Xiao was a blushing mess after reading that. What the hell is her problem??? His heart started pounding faster and louder.

He again felt something warm against his stomach. He was hugged from behind once again by the one and only- God Erebus aka (Y/N).

"Hehe, you're blushing!" She said smugly.

What was Xiao supposed to do in this situation? Run away? Push her off? Or just stand still and wait for her to do something?

He decided on waiting.

"Speechless? Oh ho! I knew you loved me, it's too obvious."

Never mind, he's pushing her off.


"Stop that. Me? Love you? Stop being childish- you're a God that hates humans, and I'm an adeptus who feels the same way. I will reject every emotion they have. Even love. So either way I will not love you." He stated coldly.

The God stayed silent for a moment, then opened her mouth to say something.


Xiao was speechless. Is she dumb or something?? Did she hear what he just said?

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing! But rejecting human emotions? Come on, really? That's something you cannot, under any circumstances, reject."

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because you just can't, duh! For example, take yourself. You're always angry- that's a human emotion!" She shrugged.

Wow- that was offensive. Xiao just sighed, knowing that arguing with the God is useless.

"Okay, whatever you say."

"By the way, adeptus. I have to visit one person in Qingce village. Would you like to accompany me?"
She asked the adeptus.

"I can't, I have to prot-"

"No you don't, that's just an excuse. Listen Xiao. Liyue can protect itself- it's not the archon war or anything, you can relax." She interrupted Xiao before he said that dumb line of protecting Liyue again.

"I- ... I suppose you're right...? I don't know what you want me to do."

"Just come with me, if something happens, Chingyu will send me a signal, and there's Zhongli. You don't have to worry." She calmed down the adeptus.

"I suppose you are right... for once" he muttered his last words.

"I heard that! Anyways, let's go."

"Right now?"

"Yes, hurry up!" She ran off.

Xiao had no other choice but to follow the childish Goddess. How did he get here again?

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