Act 4

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It's been almost a week since the adeptus saw the God

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It's been almost a week since the adeptus saw the God. You could say he's been quite busy with all the rescuing, so today he decided to see her again.

It didn't take long for him to find the domain, since now he knew where it was, he didn't have to look all around Liyue.

He pushed the large doors and entered the domain.
He sees the same bamboo forest as before, walking through the trail he finds himself standing near the long lined stairs, and so started going up.

When he was on top he saw Chingyu standing near the palace doors.

"We were expecting you, adeptus Xiao."
She bowed.
"Right this way. Lady (Y/N) was waiting for your arrival"

Xiao raised a brow, confused he followed the assistant from behind.

Not long after he was seated on a Zaisu.

"I was expecting you, Xiao. What brings you here today?"

Said a familiar voice. How could he forget who it belonged to, the woman owning it was too beautiful to forget after all.

"I happened to be passing by. Could you show yourself?"

Then he started feeling something warm around his waist. Yes, he was hugged from behind.

"Passing by? Oh, I'm hurt, so you do not miss me?"

Xiao was a blushing mess after he finally processed on what was happening. Who does she think she is, to hug a person she met a like a week ago? Right.... A god.

"C-could you please..... get off..?" Xiao Asked quite shyly.

*sigh* "and I thought we had something special."

She stood up and walked across the adeptus and sat on her own Zaisu.

"So, adeptus, what did you want to ask me, I'm pretty sure you're here for that?"

"Tell me something more about yourself."
Xiao stated boldly.

"My my- quite bold aren't we? So be it, what would you like to know?"

"Could you tell me about some other Gods like yourself?  I have never thought that other than the archons existed? And do you hold some sort of a vision? Do you need one? And do you have powers? A village? An army? A-"

"Hold your horses- so many questions already. Oh! How about we make a deal? One question a day, Xiao. How does that sound?"

"One question a day? I have too many, it will take an eternity to answer them all."
He argued.

"But that means we'll stay together longer, right?"

He was speechless. This God, made him feel things...

"I suppose..???"

"So what's your question for the day?"

She asked as she took a sip of her tea.

" about... the other Gods?"

"Yes yes...Where shall I start.  About forever ago, I don't remember when, the Celestia made seven archons. As you know Hydro, Electro, Pyro, Geo, Dendro, Anemo, Cryo. The seven of them ruled all cities around Teyvat, but of course some of the Gods were eager to rule more and more, but I wouldn't say they were evil. They believed in what they thought was right, so the archon war started.  The archons needed more help as to why they used their visions to give powers. Of course, that's how us other Gods have been created. When they were giving out powers, us being mere souls, stole some, and became Gods. Souls are invisible and their presence is hard to find, so it wasn't too hard to get powers. Though some  souls, taking too much, overflowed with power that they couldn't hold so naturally did not survive, some others, died in the war, others, protecting their people. That's why not many of us are left. People don't talk about us because we are mere robbers, that robbed archons for power. We shouldn't be called Gods, yet here we are.  Anyways, did I answer your question?"

Again, speechless.

"So... you were never actually meant to be a God..? You didn't have to do any duties that Gods necessarily have to?"

"It is the path us souls have chosen, so yes we do have to do our duties."

"Oh. That does answer that then."

"Glad to know. By the way, Adeptus Xiao, Chingyu here has prepared hot springs for us. Would you care to join me for a bath?"

The God looked at the adeptus expectingly.

Xiao was flustered, sharing a bath with a pretty lady, naked at that? No, absolutely not, he won't survive, his small pretty heart can't take it.

"I think I'll pass..."

"Well suit yourself, I won't force you. Maybe another time."

"Yeah... another time..."

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