Act 12

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Today Xiao wanted to spend the whole day with (Y/N), it's rare for him to take a day off, no, he never takes a day off

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Today Xiao wanted to spend the whole day with
(Y/N), it's rare for him to take a day off, no, he never takes a day off.

But (Y/N) had other plans. She has decided  to meet up with the traveller .

Xiao got to the domain and opened the door finding (Y/N) standing on the other side.

"Oh? Xiao? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppos-"

"I wanted to spend the day with you." The adeptus cut her off.

(Y/N) blushed and looked away which kind of surprised Xiao, since usually she's the one making him flustered.

"That's very.. nice of you... but! I have decided to meet up with the traveller today! So I am busy. we can hang out when i come back though!" She said.

This kind of disappointed the adeptus, he was really looking forward to spending the day with you.

"Can I go with you?"  He asks.

"I'm not going to take long, don't worry. I really have to go now though, I will see you when I'm back!" They both stared at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds until (Y/N) got on her tippy toes and kissed Xiao on the cheek, quickly running off after.

Xiao froze, standing and looking at nothing exactly, getting redder and redder by the second.

He touched the place where she kissed him and started smiling. He felt really happy, you truly were one of the best things that has ever happened to him.


A few hours later Xiao got extremely bored. He got tired of walking around the palace over and over again to pass the time, he just wanted for you to return as soon as possible.

As if Gods have heard his wish, the huge doors of the palace opened, and the one and only, God of chaos, returned.

"I'm home..." she mumbled, not expecting anyone else to be there.

Suddenly she felt as if something wrapped around her waist, already getting her guard up, she almost punched the person that was holding her, but she quickly stopped in her tracks when she noticed who it was.

"X-xiao...?"  She whispered.

"Welcome back." He whispered back.

(Y/N) was extremely shocked by his actions but was also very happy that he warmed up to her.

"I'm back." She smiled and turned around so she can hug him back.

"Well, what do you want to do?" She asks.

"Let's just stay like this." He held her tighter.

"Huh? The whole day?" She chuckled.




"Wait what, hell no, you will squeeze me and crush me-" she told him sarcastically.

"Okay, just a little longer."

Xiao never wanted to let go, he could die in this position for all he cares, he felt like the happiest person alive at that moment.

"Hey, Xiao?" The God spoke.


"...I love you."

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