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The Christmas break was nearly over and thank f*cking god. I'd had enough.

I don't think I could bare another moment watching Mother act completely normal whenever I encountered her presence.
Normal as if nothing ever happened. It infuriated me to boundless extents, how effortlessly she had moved on, without a single trace of guilt displayed on her face. How she acted  like she hadn't lied to my face just weeks ago, about something she knew would change my life. She'd ripped out a piece of me, my glue, and now everything was falling apart.

Sitting at the end of the oak refectory table, looking at her maddening grins, smirks and cold laughter at father's constant jokes. My fists began to sweat slightly, as my neck grew colder. My eyes focused on her manners, her simple actions, no sense of emotion. Everything she did seemed to be an act, all fake.

Despite this being incredibly aggravating, a part of me felt almost envious at her clear success to cover up her past feelings from the previous events.

Me on the other hand, was nowhere as successful. I spent many hours of the day locked in my room, blasting music in an attempt to block out and forget everything that had taken place before I broke off for Christmas.

Yet, it never worked. My thoughts filled with torment, regret, guilt, burning rage and hatred, emptiness... and him.

I had finally confessed to him how I felt, and he didn't feel the same way. At least, he didn't say he did. A small part of me was hopeful, that there could've been a possible chance of him feeling the same way. Although , after everything that had happened between us, I couldn't blame him for not returning my words.

I tossed around in my bed restlessly, the smooth, rich blanket over my shivering body, as the emerging thoughts, which I so strongly tried to fight back, flourished rapidly.

He could never love me especially after what I did to him. I wonder about Mother and Father. Do they truly love me? Of course I hear it occasionally, but it's emotionless, a dull, empty tone with no feeling. The only person that really loved me had been Eric, and he's gone. I'd lost the one person I always thought I'd have, and now I've lost everyone.

These constant thoughts whizzed through my head, as I wrapped my arms around myself, in a desperate attempt to feel some sort of  comfort, and safety. I think the reason I often did this is because it reminds me of Erik. It reminds me of him cuddling me when I was younger, and when I needed him.

I need him right now.


Gently, I began to close my eyes, as the straining lights from the lampposts outside, died down. Constant stress often made me feel emotionally and physically tired, however I had grown used to it. Being a Crown Prince is no walk in the park.

Soon, there was a gradual abate in the music from my earphones. My stiff body slowly loosened up as I comfortably adjusted myself. Finally I felt at ease, relaxed.


I awoke from a knock on my bedroom door. Steadily, I adjusted my eyes to the morning light coming through the windows and reached for the door. Opening the door, I was met with Malin. I hadn't seen her since the last day of school, since mother told me I wasn't allowed to go out during Winter break, because I had to let all the recent "rumours" and " news" calm down.

What bullsh*t! First she had the audacity to blatantly tell me she had been lying to me, and then makes up this rubbish, basically trapping me in this prison to which she calls a home!

Whenever I try to argue with her about this obvious treatment, she replies with her favourite sentence.

"Remember Wilhelm, being the Crown Prince is not a punishment, it is a privilege".

Yes, of course it is dear Mother, as I'm clearly having so much fun this Christmas, and I'm sure I'm going to have even more fun going back to school.

"Prince Wilhelm, I have been told to remind you that, school begins tomorrow, so you are advised to get everything ready and organise yourself. Thank you".



I'd been so caught up with everything that, I'd completely forgotten that school starts so soon.

I turned around, making my way to my suitcase, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. My eyes met with Malin's; She looked almost apologetic. My brows furrowed with confusion, as she briskly began talking.

"I'd like to inform you about one more thing. You have been sent a letter from August".

She stretched out her hand to pass the wax sealed letter, but I instantly turned around.

Did August really think I would read anything he wrote?

It's almost laughable.

"Please Wilhelm, you would want to read this, I'd also suggest checking the news."

Checking the news? What was she talking about? Hesitantly, I took the letter from her hand and put it on the table, then waited for her to leave. Once she did, I began searching on my phone for news.



The second cousin to Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, has recently confessed, in an arranged interview, to releasing the recent viral video involving the Crown Prince, at Hillerska Boarding School.

I immediately picked up the letter, removing the blood-red waxed seal with the his family crest imprinted on it. Taking a deep breath, I began reading the handwritten letter...

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