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tw: anxiety, panic attacks
I was awoken by light breeze coming from the side of the window. I slowly began sitting up, then it hit me.

Today's the first day of school. I let out a nervous sigh as I made my way downstairs for breakfast.

Right as I walked through the doors, mother started off on a rant about how important the day was.

"Make sure you focus on your studies.
You need set a good impression for all your new teachers .You need to redeem our reputation, it's important you only focus on your education".

I didn't pay attention to her, didn't she realise these are the exact thoughts I'd been thinking of. I didn't need to hear it from her, out of all people. I looked across the table at Father, he didn't look up from his breakfast, I'm guessing he just didn't want to talk to me? I grabbed a picked of toast from the table and stuffed it into my mouth, and turned towards the door.

Mother had barely talked to me, and it was
already to much to take. And father clearly didn't want to talk to me. I had no idea what he thought about this, I'd tried to speak to him a couple of times, but after a while it seemed pointless. He's always reply with dull emotionless replies like:

Once I was in my room, I grabbed my bag, which I'd packed the day before, and made my way to the car park.

I noticed Malin in the corner of my eye, she started walking towards me. She was wearing her regular black uniform and had an honest smile formed on her face.That's one thing I knew about Malin, is she was honest and I could trust her.

I have a suspicion she knew about Simon and I, I mean she must have. Yet, she didn't tell mother, she didn't tell anyone.


"Prince Wilhelm, your ride is ready".
I opened the handle and sat on the leather seat. I didn't been in this car since the last day of school.

The car ride was nothing special, quite dull actually. I didn't say anything and constantly kept fiddling and adjusting my scarf. After quite a bit of time had past, I felt the car halt and I looked out of the window. I was greeted once again by the towering cream building surrounded by the tall, primeval trees.

I reluctantly stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. I let out a worried sigh. 

I didn't want to be here, I didn't have anyone here, and having to constantly worry about my reputation every second of the day.

No thanks I'm good.

The only reason I'm even here without causing a fuss, is to talk to Simon. I can't believe he found out that I knew what August did, the way he did. I don't blame him for being mad at me, he trusted me...


My thoughts were interrupted by Malin as she signaled to me to follow her to the front door.
I reluctantly followed her. I was greeted by a full room of students and teachers, staring and whispering, I'm assuming about me. I felt my heart race begin to increase, and my hands started to feel sweaty.

I drifted my attention towards the choir, who were standing tall on the platform.

Then I saw him.

Simon, looking beautiful as ever. I looked at him quickly and eye contact was quickly stuck between us, and my heart began to race to what felt like miles a second. Suddenly, he broke it and looked away, looking extremely awkward. I was lead to the front row.

People's wispers began to grew, but I tried by best to block it out. I turned my face to the headmistress who frowned her eyes at the amount of noise.

"Quiet down students...
Thank you.

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