cupid's lasergun

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"last person inside is a rotten egg-" dupin said quickly before sprinting towards the door, joey following close behind, as he did not want to lose. the group behind chuckled, as that was such a dupin thing of him to do. eventually, the group collectively made it to the entrance of their destination......a lasergaming place! it was their first week off of college, no tests to worry about, just them having fun together. they could not be more excited, though they had to wait for someone else's gang to finish their round first. lenore jumped around in excitement as she took a seat by the table in the waitingroom.

"im so ready!" she said with the biggest smile on her face, making everyone smile automatically.

"yeah, ready to beat your asses at this game" dupin said as he scoofed past lenore and leaned on the table.

"now now dupin, go easy on your sister" blue said as he raised an eyebrow, resulting in dupin putting his hands in the air. the group waited for what seemed like an eternity, well, it was just 10 minutes really. they talked and talked about everything they could think of.

"the kelhana party is now allowed to gear up!" the speakers said, making everybody's ears perk up. they all went to the changing place

"why do we have to be called the kelhana party...." joey mumbled.

"because 3 out of 5 of us are kelhana's joey" dupin smiled as he caught up to his best friend.

"plus, im turning blue into a kelhana sooner or later" dupin said loudly, looking over his shoulder to see blue sticking his tongue out, he smirked before he did it back.

"those two really like to tease eachother with that stuff huh?" lee whispered to lenore.

"i guess they're close friends, they must be comfortable" lenore answered with a small smile, grabbing onto lee's arm and walking with the rest.

everyone geared up, picking a team without noticing, until ofcourse their lights lit up.

"nice! im on team red!" dupin exclaimed as he looked down at his vest. blue looked down too, he was on team ironic.

"alright so team red, dupin, lenore and blue, me and blue." lee said as she counted everyone.

"hey thats not fair why do they get the extra person?" blue complained.

"dont worry, joey is so bad at this he barely counts as a person" dupin laughed.

"....hey!" joey exclaimed offended, making the who group giggle.

the doors to the playground opened with a loud huff, startling lenore. the gang all moved inside.

"ok, left side is for team blue, right side is for us. once we get the bell, we show no mercy and its til death, got that?" dupin said.

"aren't you taking this a little too seriously?" lee asked dupin, who seemed to be in full army mode.

"no. now, team, lets go...ill meet you on the other side, team blue." dupin said dramatically before walking to his said spot, team red following behind him after a shrug. blue looked at lee.

"you heard the man, come on!" she said before grabbing blue's hand and running to the other side of the field with him.

"we'll split up, that way they cant get us easily" lee suggested, blue nodded in return.

before they could speak another sentence, the alarm went off. meaning the game had started. blue was in a tunnel,it was quite silent, though people around him were getting shot. luckily you respawn after getting shot, so he wasn't that worried about lee. he held his gun close as he looked around him. then, he heard footsteps, making him freeze for a second to hear it clearly. another same kind of noise was heard, he immediately pointed his gun to where it was coming from to see dupin peeping around a corner with his hands in the air.

"don't shoot me! please..." he said as he walked closer.

"STAY BACK KELHANA, I WILL DO IT" blue whisper yelled, not wanting to gain any unwanted attention from other team members.

"nononono, its just me i promise.....lower your gun, trust me" dupin said calm as he stared at him. hesitantly blue started to lower his weapon, looking at the other in the eye.

"good boy" dupin said before he checked behind him to see if nobody was there, he quickly moved to blue after. blue backed up into a wall, but dupin wasn't stopping.

"what are you up to?" blue asked carefully. dupin smirked before placing his hand next to blue's face against the wall, leaning closer to blue. blue looked at dupin's hand next to him, when he looked back he saw dupin's face close to his own. he felt butterflies fill his stomach and his breathing become heavier. dupin noticed and looked at blue's reaction with his full attention. just seeing blue trying to conceal his emotions was more entertaining than this whole game, a smile automatically grew on his face.

"w-what are you laughing at?" blue asked sassy, though his sight only met dupin's lips, maybe it was because he was awaiting an answer, or maybe because he never noticed how pretty dupin really was, idk, either one.

"you want me to do it, don't you?" dupin smiled as he saw where blue's eyes went.

blue was taken aback from the blunt comment, his cheeks flushed a deep pink color, though ut was hard to see in this dark room. his eyes widened, he tried to form words but they just wouldn't come out. dupin raised an eyebrow, fully entertained.

then, suddenly, blue felt a kiss against his lips. his eyes automatically closed out of satisfaction, they both didn't pull away for another few seconds, they couldn't. a gap had been filled after all these years. after all these years of being in love with him, he finally was where he wanted, in his touch. blue placed his hand on the side of dupin's face and stroked his thumb across it as the slowly pulled away. though dupin was quick to reconnect their lips as he held onto the olders hips. it was just them in the moment, they shared a few more kisses before resting their foreheads together. blue could feel dupin's breath touch his lips, the both of them being out of breath.

"you're too sweet, my love" dupin smiled before a shot was heard. blue looked down to see his vest flickering, when he looked back up dupin was almost around the corner already, he gave him a wink before disappearing into the field. blue scoffed as he loaded his gun into his hands.

"you're gonna pay for that, kelhana"

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