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remy walked through the halls, he started studying in korea for a while, and he actually enjoyed it! he found friends, a boyfriend, and a nice place to stay. he was currently heading to art class, nervously holding his phone in is hand. his boyfriend hadn't replied in a long time. but, it was early, and he must've been asleep, needing the rest from his solo album celebration party. remy popped in briefly last night, tae appreciated it so much, knowing parties aren't for him. but ever since then he hasn't read or replied to his messages. what if he lost interest? remy shook the thoughts off and was greeted by his favorite teacher yono hanijuka. 
"Goodmorning remy!" she said as cheerful as ever. "you look like you had a long night, go take a seat, we'll take it easy today." she smiled sweetly. remy went to his group, who was sitting at the table. it was quiet, and remy immediately noticed the fact that tae wasn't at the table. this worried him even more, tae's company barely ever let him miss school, even if he was sick. he sat down next to nick, his close friend.
"morning" remy spoke softly, and nick happily wrapped an arm around remy. 
"hey! just in time, class starts soon." remy nodded, he knew that. remy's eyes fell on kyong, who was bouncing his legs up and down, remy knew Kyong and tae are best friends, so he decided to ask him.
"uh...Kyong?" remy started, and kyong looked at him. remy barely ever talks to kyong without tae or nick, because remy is still learning korean, and kyong is bad at english. he started to speak korean.
"oh, my bad." he said as he stopped bouncing his leg. "im a bit uneasy, i don't know why. i feel a bit strange." 
"oh not that" remy said. "don't worry, bounce your leg all you want. i was just wondering if you'd heard from tae-sun? i haven't been able to contact him since last evening and i feel like i did something wrong." kyong just looked, his eyes almost staring through remy.
"you too huh? no, last time he texted me was at 3, and then after his party i asked how things went, but he never replied."
"3?" remy asked as he counted on his fingers, the korean numbers is still a bit tricky. kyong held up three fingers, remy gave a thankful nod. 
"i see, i just, i don't know, im kind of worried." remy spoke, not comforted by the fact that he hasn't texted kyong either. 
"are you guys talking about tae-sun?" a random classmate asked, and kyong shot up.
"yeah? what about it?" he said, a bit intimidating, the classmate unbotheredly raised both hands infront of him. everyone looked at the classmate at the mention of tae-sun's name. 
"nothing, nothing. i just, happen to know you guys are buddies. and i wanted to know if you could tell him i feel for him. i lost my parents young too." everyone's hearts dropped, something wasn't right. 
"WOAH WOAH BACK UP." kyong started. "HE WHAT?" 
the classmate his smiled dropped. "oh...you mean to tell me you guys don't read the news?" everyone at the table quickly went to their phone, a bit panicky. that's when yono started her lesson.
"okay class! gather your drawing kit and canvasses, we're gonna keep going with our personal storyboards" she smiled as she wrote something on the board. kyong's eye scanned the google page as he googled tae-sun's name, his heart dropped. remy looked over his shoulder and got teary eyed. the first thing that popped up was a news article.


before anything, remy shot up from his chair and sprinted out of the classroom, and nick, na-bi and kyong followed. off they went to fetch tae, he needed them. everything became clear as to why he wouldn't reply to his texts. yono looked behind her and saw them sprint off, she looked confused.
"did i say something weird?" she asked.
meanwhile the group ran through the hall, hurriedly trying to get out of school. everyone looked panicked, and a bit teary eyed.
"where would tae be?" kyong asked the group.
"maybe at home! or in his studio." remy said, a bit out of breath from running.
"WAIT stop." na-bi yelled, making everyone stop. 
"i have his location on snapchat." she said, grabbing her phone quickly. she went to check tae's location, but it showed tae was at his own apartment. so na-bi announced it, and the group ran to his location. it wasn't far, but it seemed like the run there took forever. the group hurried up the stairs, and kyong rang the doorbell. kyong got met with a smack on the back of the head from na-bi.
"ah michyeosseo, paboya? aiish." (are you crazy, idiot?) na-bi spoke, scolding him for even trying.
"tae is going through a traumatic experience and you think he has the time to open the door for your silly ass? remy, you have the keys, cmon." na-bi pushed remy forward, and remy went to look for the key quickly. as he finally tried putting it into the door, the door was opened, and tae's manager stood in the door.
"im actually not supposed to open the door, just to protect tae from the media right now. i just, i heard  kyong and na-bi-" she spoke softly, almost whispering. 
"where is he?" remy asked quickly, and the maid nodded and got out of the way, opening the door.
"but be gentle, he's resting." the group hurried inside, in a train. remy first, then kyong, then nick then na-bi. they walked into the livingroom, which was connected to all the other rooms. tae-sun's room's door was opened, and it showed what the group came to see. there sat tae-sun, sleeping against the closet door, head upwards and tear stained cheeks. remy sat on the floor for a bit, seeing his boyfriend like this made his legs feel weak. the manager walked with the group.
"it was the only way i could finally get him to sleep, i found him like this after he requested some water about an hour ago." she spoke, making the group understand.
"what does he have over his head?" nick asked, and the manager nodded towards the living room.
"come, ill tell you." 
the group sat down and each of them got offered a drink by tae's manager.
"right, so ask all you want, its better to hear it from me, i think. it took me about 4 hours last night to get tae to talk myself, so i'll be your medium." she smiled sweetly, they must've had a long night together.
"what...happened?" kyong asked, a little afraid for the answer. suddenly they realized they hadn't read the article yet, and just rushed straight to him.
"last night, after tae's party there was....a bit of an accident. as tae and his parents each got in their seperate cars, i think tae-sun's father got in a bit of a fight with someone on the road. but, the person was under the influence, of some very hardcore drugs turned out. but, tae heard the arguing, so he stopped his car as they were driving right behind eachother. the...person mr. kang started arguing with, unfortunately, had a knife with him. tae told me he saw it happen, he stabbed his father, causing him to bleed out. ofcourse tae-sun's mom tried to aid him and even called 911, but they were too late. but tae got....devoured by grief, and ran up to the guy, the driver tried to stop him but tae just ran. he started punching him, and doing everything he could. but, as i said, the man carried a weapon. so to answer your question nick, the thing over his head is a bandage. tae got his eye sliced while fighting, and that's when i arrived at the scene. i saw tae on the ground, bleeding and screaming. and that's when....the man..slit tae's mom's throat. it was...horrendous to see." she looked around the room, to see every one of them crying at the nightmare. they all felt for tae-sun, and couldn't keep their emotions in. 
"what? what happened to the murderer?" Na-bi asked.
"just a few moments after i arrived, so did the police. the guy is charged now, everything was dealt with last night. just....tae can't be dealt with at the moment." she sighed. remy then spoke up again.
"he...sliced his eye?" he asked gently.
"right, im not sure if he can see very well, but he was given time to adjust, since he was too hysterical to deal with tests last night. they gave him this bandage, he might need a new one soon, but im not sure if that's....okay for me to do." she looked at remy hopefully, and remy nodded.
"yeah, yeah i'll do it. i want to take care of him." he said, and his manager gave a soft smile.
"perfect, im actually kind of glad you all came, i have to make some arrangements for....alot of stuff. its chaos. but i had to take care of tae-sun. but i think tae is in better care of you guys." nick nodded.
"it's okay, you go make sure tae doesn't have anything else to worry about. he's safe with us." and the manager smiled.
"thank you for seeing it that way, then, i'll come check back in later."
"oh and, thank you, for taking care of tae. i cannot thank you enough" kyong said. seeing the manager off. it was silent in the room, this was all so much to take in, and even more for tae ofcourse. 
"im going to be with tae, can you guys wait here while i check on his bandage?" remy asked, and the group nodded, just taking their time to take it all in. remy went to go to tae, closing the door behind him. he sat infront of him, tears in his eyes, watching the blood spot on his bandage, it looked like a deep cut if it bled this much. he carefully started to unwrap it a bit, to help him out. suddenly tae jumped awake, looking at remy fearfully, trying to push his hand away.
"SH! shhh.. it's me, it's me." remy spoke softly, watching tae scan remy's face. he saw tae was trying to talk, but there were no words able to form. remy placed his hand on the side of his face carefully. 
"i know, you don't have to say anything. unless, you want to." remy said softly. waiting to see if tae had anything to say.
tae kept opening his mouth and taking breaths, as if he was going to say something without crying, he blinked as if he was fighting tears.
"ow, fuck." he could get out, remy knew the tears in his eyes were hurting his cut. he looked like he was genuinely in pain, and the pain reminded him of reality. remy smiled softly.
"it's okay, i know. let me help you." remy started doing his bandages, and he was as gentle as possible. he looked at his cut, it looked deep and bothering, tae only stared at him, and the movements he made.
"can you....can you see me properly?" remy asked gently. a tear fell down tae's face.
"no." he started to cry, but stopped himself from doing so quickly, as if he didn't want any of it. 
remy quickly finished what he was doing and leaned in for a hug, he felt tae struggle to keep dry.
"you can let it out mon amour." remy spoke, but tae continued to breathe heavily.
"no, i don't want to, it hurts." he started to cry out a bit. remy just held him, and eventually tae gave in, letting himself break down on remy's shoulder. when tae calmed down, remy pulled away, resting his hand on the side of his face.
"im staying with you to take care of you." he said.
"how long?" tae asked.
"for however long you need me." 
"you're moving in?" remy chuckled at the joke, even now tae was himself, that was good to see. 
"you wanna get off the floor and cuddle for a bit?" tae nodded, his legs were sleeping a bit from sleeping on the floor so he walked a little slow." remy held tae in his arms, letting him rest on his chest. they just layed there, in silence, until remy heard soft breathing. and yes, tae fell asleep again, remy was only happy with it, he must not have slept well last night. he stroked tae's hair and texted the group with his other hand.
"tae is asleep against me, i moved him to the bed and changed his bandage" he said.
"did he tell you anything about last night?" nick texted back.
"no, he only said he is in pain, and he can't see me very well." remy replied. 
a couple of minutes later, tae felt himself wake up, he opened his eye (s) ((too soon-)) to find himself against a very asleep remy's chest, he felt so warm and safe by it, that he didn't feel the pain for a little bit, when he turned around, his best friend was asleep at the end of the bed too, and it only made him feel luckier. kyong layed on the edge of the bed, proudly supporting his best friend. tae closed his eyes again, and rested in the moment.

a couple years have passed, tae has grieved and gave his parents the funeral they deserved. he's even healed his eye! well, healed is a strong word, he got lenses and glasses, his vision will never be the same again really. he and his siblings officially lived with his auntie and uncle, who gracefully took in the Kang family after their parent's passing. let's see what else...OH yes, tae has gotten back into his career. he took a small brek, but came back as hardworking as ever, even propsed to remy in the meantime. he, however, had to quit school to focus on his career, and he sure did. so much, that the company sent him back to finish school! starting today, tae will be a student again. (and an idol..ofc) so, at the end of the day, tae turned out fine. he is lucky, and he knows it.

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