mr sasaki pt 2

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Tae-sun's POV: 

its been a few days since we got introduced to our new intern teacher. who, just so happens to be my one night stand, okay fine. the class loves him, he's soft and gentle and very smart, but as i explained last time, i can hardly look at the guy without thinking about our night together. or as kyong likes to call it , our night of awakening. im not sure what kyong thinks got awakened in me but i suppose i'd better just let him talk. i haven't told anyone else but kyong about this, if my company found out i slept with someone that wasn't paid to sleep with me, i'd lose my goddamn contract. hell, scratch that, if they found out i slept with a GUY on my only night out on my own id be cut. if they found out i kissed said guy in the MIDDLE of a bar-......ah you get it. 
now the days have one by, we awkwardly look at eachother, we don't really talk. when i have an actual question i just ask my friends, there is no reason to milk whatever this was, im keeping my distance for his safety. ive been cold and unresponsive, and it kills me. i feel like i want him close to me, at all times, forever. but that's impossible, its not only illegal now, but wrong. for him and for me. i count down the minutes as i am finally released from art class, dont tell yono i wish to get out i love that woman. i hurry to grab my kit like always, as i reach near the door with my best friend i hear a voice behind me.
"Mr. Kang?" it speaks, i stop in my tracks, the slight memory of his lips on mine softly flashes through my head, i shake it off as i turn around. i hear kyong stop too, curious of what this will become.
"can i steal you for a moment? it won't be long." he spoke professionally. as much as i hope that its a talk about the homework i made (copied from nick) but i knew deep down it wouldn't be. 
i hear kyong snicker behind me, and i accept. i shush him away as i follow remy back to his desk. i give Kyong one last look, and he is making kissy faces. 
remy takes a seat, i do not. i do not dare to. its silent, there's just creaking of chairs, we're both waiting for one to start the conversation. 
"are you just going to keep ignoring me?" he started, it kinda sounded like he was genuinely curious. i was kind of taken aback, but i remember from that night that he was quite forward and blunt, i think that's what attracted me anyway.
"wh- well- n-no i was going " 
"i don't buy it." he seemed hurt. this isn't what i wanted either. i take a seat on his desk.
"i don't want this to be how we see eachother for 6 months. i don't. i just don't think that,,,yk...this is legal?" i say to him.
"i am aware, im not asking for kisses. im asking for eyecontact." 
"remy, everytime i look into your eyes i think about our night together, and how i feel about you and how wrong that is. i cannot look at you without thinking know." remy got blushy, and somehow that calmed me down a bit. 
"right." he said. "you must remember the nights well." i kind of freeze up.
"wait what did u say?" i get off the desk, "did you say nights? nightS? as in multiple?" he must've noticed my confusion and widened his eyes.
"you don't remember one of them?" i gulp. i was fully convinced it only happened once.
"wh-whatw- wh-" i try to think, i look into his eyes looking for information. remy grew a slight smile, until he broke out in a giggle, i smiled, dumbfounded.
"think tae-sun." he says. i think. ofcourse i think, what the hell am i missing?? suddenly, like a fucking hotflash i feel my chills shoot up my spine, and memories pop into my head, leaving out details but showing me the big lines.

"you again?" tae spoke.
"i hoped you'd come back" remy said as he scooted closer.
"your place or mine?" tae said after he kissed remy deeply, in the middle of the dancefloor.
"You're drunk, Kang Tae-Sun" remy smiled as he held onto the taller's neck.
"faster, please." remy moaned out as tae's dick thrusted deep into him, tae's kisses trailing down remy's body. 
"shibal.." tae threw his head back.

i hit my head, embarressed by the fact i forgot. i did him,,,twice. great. nicely done tae-sun. and why dont you kiss him in the middle of the fucking club huh? fuck man.
my thoughts were interruped, im still with remy.
"im sorry, i must've been drunk and mixed the two nights up in one." i scratch the back of my head awkwardly.
remy smiles softly and stood up from his desk chair, moving closer to stand infront of me.
"you didn't notice because i left in the evening when you were asleep, i knocked you out pretty good anyway." he said.
"hey..." i smile, we get softer and closer, i don't think this attraction is one for a one ni-....two...night stand.
"that aside, i know it's not right and we cannot continue, but i don't want any awkwardness. im trying to keep this job you know?" i smile again, i understand him. he's not rejecting me, he's just telling it like it is. he's giving it to me straight, you know sort of, there is still alot of gay sex in our story. in my moment of hopefulness, i grab onto his waist softly, nothing greedy or intimate, just something gentle. 
"tae-sun..." he whispers, i pull him against my body, his hands rest on my chest. the second night is coming back to me fully at this point. i remember holding onto his waist just like this, i start swaying softly, lost in the memory.
"tae we shouldn't.." he tries, but i notice his attraction for me is too strong to protest. he pulls me in for a slow kiss, our lips connect and my memories flow, the feelings i felt for him the moment i layed my eyes on him. he pulls away, we're both hesistant to kiss again, but remy speaks.
"i uh, i googled you, like you told me that second night." i chuckle at myself.
"i told you that? that's embarrassing." i joke, but remy just chuckled once and got serious again.
"i, understand now. that we can't only not be together for my sake, but yours too. you're an artist, you shouldn't even be seen near someone like me." i felt him gulp and release himself from my embrace.
"we can't" he says one last time before making his way out, i stared at the wall infront of me, hearing the heels under remy's shoes walk away from me from behind.  
"wait." i say as i turn around, making my way towards him again.
"i will wait for you." there was a silence as remy stopped walking.
"tae.." he started but i didn't want to hear it.
"i will wait until you are done with this school, until you are ready to be with me. i will wait until you're ready to let me introduce you to my world, my life. im not giving up on you because of my carreer choice, and im sure as hell not giving up on you because of your carreer choice. i can wait." remy's eyes welled up with tears, he walked towards me.
"do you honestly hear yourself when you talk?" he joked. 
"i honestly don't know what i just said i guess i needed to let that out." i say softly, i see remy smile under the tears. he wipes his tears on his sleeve and looks down a bit embarrassed. i quickly felt a lingering kiss being placed on my lips, and once again we connected by touch.
he pulled away.
"you're something else kang tae-sun" he tells me.
"i get that alot actually." we share a moment of soft laughter, then he walks to the door again, i watch him leave.
"where are you going? did i do something wrong?" i ask, pretty serious, i hate being serious.
"quite the opposite, you'll wait for me right?" he asks, i nod.
"meet me after school, can u wait that long?" i smile, and nod again, i watch him open the door with a smile. before remy could walk out, kyong fell into the classroom, almost face first, ear on the door. a blush grew on remy's face.
"Mr min. did you have a question?" 
"n-no. i uh, came to pick up tae-sun?" remy nodded and made his way out of the classroom, he clutches his bags while he walks. i definitely watch his ass as he walks away though. kyong looks at me, and i snap out of my dream state to stare at him angrily.
"eavesdropping? really Kyong?" 
"okay mister 'i'll wait for you'" 
"shut up man." 
".......did you two ever fuck in this classroom?"
"what? no."
"will you." 
"well yeah probably."
".....wanna go smoke?"

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