dear dean

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it was an important day for the alfredian royal family. it was their dearest royal druid's birthday, and they wanted to do something special. elas and alpha (mostly elas cuz he knew more) invited friends and family and told them to hide it from saint. akkar, anyk and ofcourse armus were invited. blue and saint's mother were there. and his cousin sirrias with his plus one, his boyfriend eden. the invited were sent out and before you knew it, the party had been going on for a while. saint was currently dancing with mama aimery. people were talking and just having a fun time. eden held sirrias tight, normally sirrias would hate public affection, but since eden has had a few he let it be.
"I'll be right back doll, im gonna try to sober up in the bathroom" eden said before letting go of sirrias's waist. sirrias nodded with a slight smile, just because he was so fond of his boyfriend. sirrias watched eden walk away, a little clumsy by the way. sirrias spotted a familiar face leaning against the kitchen counter with a drink in hand. he walked to them to start up a conversation.
"you're elas's boyfriend right? where is he?"
alpha smiled at the smaller guy and his bluntness, reminded him of himself.
"uh  hudband actually, he's stolen by my very own brother over there" alpha nodded across the room where two guys were playing a heated game of rock paper scissors with red flushed cheeks. sirrias chuckled at the sight.
"what about you? you're wongnate's boyfriend correct?"
"yeah, he's sobering up in the bathroom" to that alpha smiled.
"yeah, he was always the type to get too drunk at parties" to which sirrias looked up at the taller man.
"you...known him for a while?"
"longer than u i think, i uh, hah, i used to date his sister" alpha scratched the back of his ehad awkwardly.
"sister? he never mentioned he has a sister" sirrias said, pretty confused.
"wouldn't surprise me, delta isn't a good person" sirrias got a troubled look, is there things he's hiding from him?
"anyways" alpha started, "i gotta go fetch my husband, he needs a glass of water" alpha stood up from the counter, giving sirrias a handshake.
"tell him it's vodka" sirrias said before also standing up. to which alpha winked and walked off.
"and uh" alpha turned back to sirrias "take good care of dean for me, he's a good guy under all the scars" and with that, alpha walked off. leaving sirrias and his thoughts alone. who the fuck is dean? what is happening? sirrias's thoughts took over his body. he walked to the bathroom in hurry, smashing the door open with a loud sound. eden got startled by the noise behind him while washing his hands.
"woah, babe, you look stressed. something pull your strings?" eden asked calmly continuing washing up.
"i don't know dean, do i look stressed?" sirrias asked sassy. there was a silence in the room as you heard the watertab turn off.
"that's your name right? dean? dean wongnate?" sirrias sounded angry.
"where did you get that name?" eden asked, his voice small and full of emotion, as if it was about to break. he has yet to look at his lover.
"answer me eden" sirrias walked closer to eden. eden shook his head in disappointment.
"FUCKING LOOK AT ME" sirrias yelled as he grabbed eden by the collar, as sirrias was very strong he successfully pulled him close.
"if we dont have trust, we have nothing" eden spoke.
"if we dont have HONESTY we have nothing dean. i don't even know who im dating apparently. lying about where you've been? fine. lying about your favorite things? alas, but your whole fucking identity?! are you kidding??"
"i promise i have a good reason." eden grabbed onto sirrias gently in attempt to calm him down.
"and a sister too?! you better have the best fucking reason to hide your life from me. what do we have left?"
"it's not like i know your family status sirrias"
"DO NOT MAKE THIS ABOUT ME" sirrias's finger pointed against Eden's chest.
"im not hiding myself from you i promise, just calm down."
"calm down?! how would you feel if i was suddenly someone you didn't know dean?"
"dont. call. me. dean." the tension between the two grew with every spoken word.
"you also have unimportant things you dont tell me, because you choose not to." sirrias let go of eden in pure disbelief in the situation. eden also let go of sirrias, both very upset with the sudden argument. they've argued before, but not like this.
"my name is sirrias fallenglade, heir to the fallenglade family name, i have a sister too, now you know me."
"my name is dean wongnate, i go by the name eden to hide my past with my sister delta from myself and from others. i didn't want to be associated with her anymore. i moved from my posh home into the cold streets far away from home just because i despised her. now you know, happy?" eden walked out, upset for having to open up like that. sirrias just stood there, he messed up, he can see that. he just wasn't ready for heartbreak to have it all be a lie, not after looking for eden for so long. eden didn't mean any harm, sirrias didn't know that. anyone would have reacted that way when finding out you're dating someone you dont actually know. but for now he had to fix this. sirrias was usually not one to admit he was wrong, but he digged too deep into eden's healing wounds. he walked out the bathroom and spotted alpha in the hallway.
"kelhana, have you seen eden?" alpha looked confused.
"d-dean.." sirrias felt a little guilty calling him that.
"oh, yeah, he left early. everything ok? he looked a little overwhelmed." alpha put a hand on sirrias's shoulder.
"tell saint to reach out to me later, and thank them for the nice time" with that sirrias left. leaving alpha unable to respond. sirrias got to eden's place safe, the house of eden wasn't much. he saw him looking out the window on his mattress on the floor. sirrias sighed, he saw eden's ears perk up.
"you let yourself in" eden's low voice said, not looking at sirrias.
"you should be used to that by now" sirrias joked as he walked to the mattress and taking a seat next to eden. looking out the window too.
"i was a little too harsh back there huh?" sirrias said carefully, he's never really apologised like this before. his lover just shrugged.
"listen, i never say this, and dont ask me to do it again. but sorry" eden looked at sirrias, deep eyecontact holding them together.
"you're apologising?" eden asked, sirrias nodded.
"are you really sorry?" eden asked.
"would i not have saved myself the internal embarrassment of apologising if i wasnt?" that made eden chuckle.
"say it again then" eden said. making sirrias show obvious disapproval. eden shook his head and looked out the window again. to that sight, sirrias sighed.
"im sorry" sirrias looked down.
"im sorry who?" eden continued to look out of the window. sirrias his eyes widened.
"i dont think this is an appropriate time to call you daddy" eden turned to him in shock.
"no! nonono! baby, i meant my name" eden giggled as sirrias turned just as red as his hair.
eden calmed down as he smiled at his lovable boyfriend.
"say my name, love" his deep voice spoke.
"im sorry eden" to that, eden smiled at sirrias, sirrias also let a smile go.
"why are you not kissing me?" eden joked.
"is that all you think about?" sirrias joked back.
"come ooon, we're not in public." sirrias sighed before climbing over to eden in a heartbeat. connecting their lips passionately. they pulled away, looking into eachothers eyes.
"i love you sirrias" eden suddenly said, catching sirrias off guard. it was the first time he heard eden say that.
" you too eden" with that the two kissed again, eden pulled sirrias on his lap. they sat together for a while after that. madly in love, yet they both did not know what exactly that was.
"dumbass" sirrias whispered inbetween a kiss, making them both smile.
and they lived happily ever after....
or did they, koda?

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