가족 (gajog- family)

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Remy POV:

"are you sure sure?" i ask once more, uncertainty in my eyes as i look at the mirror.
you see, it's my first time visiting korea, and as much fun as im having, pretty views, nice people, good coffee, delicious foods, cozy hotels, cheap drinks and even the citizens just going to work in the morning, im really nervous to meet my boyfriend's family. i can't help but think i won't fit in, or even worse, i say something wrong, or maybe don't follow their culture.....ugh.
i feel my boyfriend's arms wrap around my waist from behind, which, ultimately is my favorite feeling in the world. whenever Tae-Sun holds me that way its like a wave of safety, the moment he goes to lean his chin on my shoulder and lets me fall into his embrace completely that feeling changes into comfort and protection, overall satisfaction. he did so this time around too, noticing the worry in my eyes being taken away by me closing them.
tae hummed against the skin of my neck, placing a quick kiss before looking at me in the mirror.
"i told you my remedy, you look amazing" i smile as i look at him through the mirror.
"...approachable enough for your family?" i said, to which tae sun sighed and pulled away, turning my body towards his as he fixed my tie.
"they're going to love you, don't worry about it too much. im sure, nae agi." he said.
i smile at the words of the most important person in my life, knowing he wanted to calm me down was already enough for me to feel good. i wrap my arms around the man's neck in a huge stretch, watching his concentrated face on my tie going to a loving one to my eyes.
"looks like someone is clingy today" i heard his voice speak.
i say nothing as i just nod and place my hand on the side of his face, pulling him in for a slow kiss, giving me butterflies in my stomach. a small gasp escaped my lips into tae's as i felt his hands pull my waist closer to his own. then, just as it was about to get interesting, Tae-Sun's phone went off. we finished our kiss and we pulled away with a sigh.
"fuck, its Cyrus. must be about our upcoming album, i gotta take this" he was hurrying as he got those words out, i couldn't really talk back even if i wanted to.
"ill meet you in the hallway baby, i love you" Tae-Sun said as he kissed my cheek and made his way out the bedroom door. i could hear him greet Cyrus as i looked back at myself in the mirror and fixed my blouse.
"you owe me one Cyrus..."
tae and i stand infront of tae's childhood home. i hold onto tae-sun's hand as he gives me a kiss on the forehead.
"je suis ici" he says, i smile at the thought of him studying the sentence, because i know he doesn't speak french at all. i lean in to give him a loving kiss but suddenly, the door flew open to reveal a small girl, making me pull away immediately. she had long dark hair and what it looked like, a permanent smile on her face. she looked at the both of us with wide and excited eyes before jumping into tae's arms.
"TAETAE!!" the girl said happily, i smile at the nickname.
"Ae-Soo...." tae said as he put the girl down with care.
"geuge nuguya?"she asked, i held my breath as i realised they're going to be speaking korean.
"oh, Ae, be sure to speak english ok? this is remy, he can't understand you if you speak korean." tae said, making me release my breath and wave at the little girl.
"remy, ok! come in come in!" Ae made way and lead us inside. Tae grabbed onto my hand as he guided me further into the house. that wasn't that bad, all that's left are his paren- NO, aunt and uncle...aunt and uncle....oh for the love of athena Remy please remember that. my thoughts were interupted as a woman walked out of the kitchen we were just entering.
"oh you've arrived!" the woman smiled big as she pulled both me and tae in for a hug. that calmed my nerves already, i could tell she was a nice lady.
"remy right? if only you knew how much I've heard about you, im junggi! im Tae's legal guardian but i like to say im his guardian angel." the woman spoke in a joking way, her thick gwanju accent hiding behind her words, making me more at home.
"this is my remy, yep." tae sun smiled proud as he held onto my waist, giving me chills, in the good way, especially after all the tension between me and my boyfriend all day.
"he's just as pretty as you said Tae-Sun." his aunt said before walking towards the door.
"im picking up your uncle from the station so we can all have dinner together tonight, im making teokkbokki, your favorite, Tae." we said our goodbyes as she disappeared from sight. i turn to my boyfriend.
"you talk about me to your aunt?" i ask.
tae-sun walked towards the couch and sat me down, getting on top of me as i fall back into the soft couch pillows.
"you talk too much, im getting you a drink." he said before leaning in to kiss me passionately, heading towards the kitchen behind us after, leaving me a daydreaming mess. i sit back up as i cleared my throat, obviously, tae knows what im after and i think he knows the effect he has on me.
as i look around i spot a lot of family pictures, one picture of tae caught my eye. he looks around 3, its so cute, he's running towarfs the camera, i would hold onto a picture like that forever. as i was daydreaming i didn't notice another figure walk into the room.
"hyung??" i turn my head to see a man walking into the room, though his face is similar to tae's, his hair is bright red and he's wearing a pair of glasses.
"sup bro" Tae-Sun says from the fridge.
"i missed you too buddy" tae said as he walked towards his (i assume) brother and pulled him in for a hug. suddenly, his eyes meet mine.
"who are u?" he asks bluntly, yup, definitely family.
"im remy, im Tae's....boyfriend" i say, i watch the man's eyes scan me and then scan Tae-Sun.
"i see, im Dae- Seung, Tae's brother.  Tae....show me to those drinks real quick." something about his tone seemed off, but i assumed it's a brother thing so i didn't pay it any mind.
he took Tae back to the kitchen, kind of pushing him to it actually, lowering his voice as he took a seat on the kitchen counter.
"you bring your boyfriend all the way to korea just to meet us? tell me your plan right now Kang Tae-Sun." Dae said in korean, just to make sure i wouldn't understand.
"....i cant get anything past u can i?"
Dae-Seung shrugged.
"alright fine, im so in love bro, im planning on proposing to him later in the week." Tae said in korean, i was watching Dae's face absolutely drop, though i wasn't sure if it meant good or bad
"BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING,,,,i promise you, get to know him, you'll get me" Tae said again.
"congrats bro, im happy you found someone who makes you happy."
tae-sun gave a quick bow before putting the drinks on the coffee table near me and sitting down next to me.
"alright lovebirds, im taking Ae-Soo out to the market to get stuff for dinner, text if u need me!" Dae said as we said goodbye. that leaves just me and Tae in the house.
"so what are we gonna d-" my sentence was interupted as tae smashed his lips on mine, like the passion has been there hiding inside of him all day. like something was released from its cage. he climbs on top of me as i lay on his couch once more, a slight desperate moan leaving me as tae bit at my bottom lip, pulling it a little to give hints to what he wanted, as if it wasn't obvious enough. i gave into tae's needs as i can't handle it anymore either. we pull away only to look at eachother for a second before we start making out. god, i love this man so much. tae slowly lowers his hips to meet mine, causing me to moan into the kiss. as my hand is about to trail down underneath his shirt, i hear loud baby cries from upstairs. Tae-Sun sighs as his body gives up and he hides in my neck.
"mon amour....what's that?" i say, making tae come back to my face.
"let me introduce you to the latest member of the Kang family." tae-sun said with a smile, a smile that gives me enough energy to meet his family a thousand times more. my favorite smile in the world.

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