actions speak louder than words

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i walked towards my local library, i wanted a new book to read on tour, since my last one was finished. as i walked in, i was greeted by the same old lady as always, she knows my face well around here.
"ah! Tae-Sun, annyeong!" she said, happy to see me, i bowed, and gave her a big smile. we had some small talk about the book i just finished, and she recommended me some corners of the store I'd like, and, i went to go look. she first wanted me to look at the young adult part. all of the books were sappy and romantic, or very sad and depressing. so i skipped. next up was horror, and yet its not usually my thing, i looked through it anyway, my fingers skimmed over the book covers, feeling all kinds of different textures. but none of them spoke to me. i tried to look at the literature section, which is usually more my cup of tea. i found the book i had previously read, and gave it a tap on the cover, my eyes looking through all the different works. then, my eyes fell on a book ive wanted to read for a while, would today be the day?...yeah. i picked up the book and read the back, as if i hadn't already made my decision. i just felt eyes on me wherever i went so i wanted to look as little insane as possible. i grabbed the book and walked all the way back to the counter, where the lady would help me pay. but as i walked, i noticed someone in the pathway of the history books, he was slender and blonde, not too tall but not small either. he was a foreign person, though i couldn't guess from where. i saw him looking at the book covers with a somehow unamused and frustrated face. which made me wonder, so i went back a bit, and...looked. was that creepy? im not sure. he was interesting. he switched from the book to his phone, typing in something and looking even more frustrated. i then saw his phone screen, he was typing in a translator, he couldn't read the korean alphabet. so i...took it apon myself to help him out, you know, cuz im nice like that, not because i...was...interested in any way. i walked up to him, traced the books he was trying to read with my finger. and so i read one of the covers out loud.
"ijibteu minhwa" i said slowly, looking at him, then at his phone as a hint. "ijibteu, minhwa" he looked me in the eye and quickly grabbed his phone to put it in the translator.
"Egyptian folktales" the guy spoke, then said something under his breath in a different language. he gave me a smile as he looked up, tho it seemed awkward. he was smaller than he seemed when he looked up at me.
"annyeonghaseyo, eh, eodiseo wassni?" i asked where he was from. but he looked at me again, said nothing. just stared. right, ofcourse, he can't understand korean.
"hello, where are you from?" i asked in english, yet that only seemed to spark a tiny bit in his eyes.
"you dont speak english either?" i asked, to which he put two fingers together. "a little bit" i said out loud. then, an idea popped into my head, translator! but, i had to figure out what language he spoke first.
"hola?" i asked, but he just shook his head.
"sawadeekrap?" i asked, and a small smile grew on his face as he shook his head again.
"gutendag? ni hao? hej? hallo? geia sou? bonjour?" he smiled fully as he saw me try, and nodded eagerly at the last one.
"bonjour! France." i spoke to myself. I quickly went to type in my question in the translator, and saw his eyebrow raise in the corner of my eye.
"tu cherches quel livre?" my phone spoke in a robotic voice. i saw him smile again, it made me feel nice.
"grece" i heard him say, somehow, i understood what he was meant to say.
"greek? greece?" i asked happily, i was excited to learn about him. he nodded as he put his hand on the books and shrugged. he did not know what was what.
i grabbed a blue book from the shelf, it was higher up than the guy could've reached anyway
"akille-useuui nolae, the song of achilles" i said, he understood that one. he got this childlike shine in his eyes as he reached for the book, it was the english version, so he could learn. i quickly raised my hand, so the book would be up too high. he gave me a confused look.
"what's your name?" i asked. he tilted his head like a puppy.
i rolled my eyes jokingly as i locked the book between my arms before grabbing my phone and going to the translator, this made the guy chuckle a bit aswell. i didn't let the robot take over this time, it was my turn to talk to him.
"quel....est ton nom?" i said as good as i possibly could. it seemed to work, as the guy got a slightly redder glow on his face.
"remy...remy sasaki." he said as he bowed his head slightly.
"ah" i said "yeppeoda."
i handed him the book. "Kang Tae-Sun" i said as i put a hand on my chest. i saw him get a daring look in his eye, as if he was about to do something he could eventually regret. he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from his satchel, and quickly wrote. i peeked to see him writing his name, but that was all i could see as he turned away from me so i couldn't see. at last, i was handed a paper, small and messily written, but i could read it.  i noticed the guy walk away in the corner of my eye, and make his way to the cashier.
"remy sasaki, 02-312-640279"
i turned around to look, but he was just finishing up, and gave me one last look before heading out. i tried to keep it in, but i couldn't. my smile crept up on me without warning, i had not expected that.

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