captain Montgomery

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To my dearest captain,

i write this as you're sleeping next to me in your captains quarters.
you must've been working hard to be this tired, i mean, you're knocked out dude.
i can't help but notice your many admirable details.
i fell in love with every individual one of them.
the way you twitch your nose when you're deep asleep, your eyelashes that fit your face just right, the small dimples that grow into your cheeks from time to time.
i could honestky write a whole book about them and many more.
like about your faint freckles in the perfect places only for me to see, or the little mark on you, you know which one, i always trace it.
but ill stop with the flattery now, i know how you get when you're embarrassed.
don't be.
i put adelaide to bed like you told me to.
it wasn't as hard as you said it was, she just needed a song, so i made up a little thing on the spot.
she was out like a light in no time, thinking i should just be a siren instead of a pirate.
would you be my victim then?
jokes aside, you have no worries of your little girl left, she's safe with me.
by the way, do you think she'll be ready for the big news soon?
i know its annoying to ask but i think she likes me.
i have faith that she'll accept me as her father.
sorry, i must be getting ahead of myself, you must be exhausted.
im happy i get to tell my friends about you, that's more than enough for me already.
you must be awakening around this time, i better hurry things up.
uh, i want you to always remember how much you mean to me.
you're my whole world, who thought a guy like me would be wrapped arohnd one's finger this way?
you're my heart, my color in life, my eternal, my sun, my moon, my love.
call me back up to the quarters when you wake.
for now, i have to make sure the ship steers the right way, who knows, maybe you'll wake up to a surprise.
i love you, loser

forever yours,
Atwell Rylan♥︎
(the dude who likes to stick around your ship and kiss your lips)

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