Mr. Sasaki

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i take my seat in the art classroom. we're all around a few big tables, and im sitting with Kyong, Na-Bi, Nick, Frankie and Satsujin and Hikaru. Zorya and Si-Jun have cooking class, and, well, Hikaru is not supposed to be here either, but mrs. Omezo lets him.  art is my favorite of today's classes, me and the teacher get along nice, and all im supposed to do is listen to stories and draw. win win. my company put me back in school, they thought id best get my degree now, because they're positive that this new album of mine is gonna "dominate the charts, and then the world.". i think they're delusional, but im not complaining being back in school with my best friend. 
"you're late again, how did u manage to be late when you were sitting with us all break time?" Na-Bi asked me.
"i needed a smoke." i tell her as i saw my best friend's face change.
"you went to go smoke without me???" kyong asked offended. i quickly changed the subject.
"any homework we should know about?" i asked, i see nick look at me disappointed.
"we have a quiz on van gogh today remember? don't tell me you didn't study."
"he was too busy being a pop star and stuff, im sure he gave his damn bass guitar a bath or something" frankie said.
"no, i was actually in bed by 9 so i was sleeping."
"you might be sexy, but i have no idea how you're still alive." hikaru added, we then stood still at the sound of heels clicking on the floor. Mrs. omezo came in as happy as always, she held her belly as she walked to her desk. but, she took a seat on it, typical yono to not sit on the desk chair.
"alright class! everyone put your electronic devices away! i have some exciting news."
"can i keep my phone close so i can call Tanaka if ur water breaks?" i ask, and yono gave a loving smile.
"nice try Tae, my husband is right across this classroom."
"ARE U HAVING THE BABIES RIGHT NOW?" satsujin asked excited.
"no Jin, come on just hurry hurry!" everyone got rid of the stuff on their table and looked at our sunshine of an art teacher.
"......okay! listen up on my pregancy leave!" she said excited while the classed groaned. we all understood, yono was way overdue a pregnancy leave, but she refused to take it up until now. she was pregnant with twins and still shows up to work with a smile everyday.
"i know i know, but, i have someone amazing to come teach you guys about art, and i'd like you too meet him right now!" yono gave a little kick and she jumped off her desk. she made some gestures to the door and invited someone in. i took a sip of water, feeling the cigarrette smell leave, thank god. in walked a man with blonde curly hair, but it was obviously dyed. he was taller than yono and pretty skinny. his skin was pale and his eyes were dark. suddenly, a memory shoots to my head, it makes me spit out my water.

"fuck, please right there"  remy moaned loudly. 
"look at you, begging for me already" tae whispered as he leaned in to kiss remy, remy's leg resting on his shoulder as he thrusted into him roughly.
"i want it, please don't stop." remy managed to get out, but the rest just sounded like gibberish. tae connected their lips and licked at remy's tongue, leaving remy a mess underneath his touch. his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt tae go deeper, and tae moaned loudly.  remy screamed out in pleasure as tae sped up. he hoped his neighbours were out.

i hid behind kyong and the table, hoping remy didn't see me. 
"bro, what the fuck are you doing?" kyong asked confused.
"SH, DON'T" i whisper yell.
"what's up with you?" 
"you uh...know that one night stand i was telling you about? that guy at the bar?" 
"yeah." kyong agreed.
"....yeah." i said.
"OH SHIT" kyong said pretty loud, but the only one who noticed were the people at the table.
"you better get back up here, don't make things weird." kyong pulled me up to sit back in my chair, i fix my clothes as i angrily glare at him. then, my eyes fall on remy, at the desk of yono as yono is explaining things to him on his laptop.

"i didn't catch your name" tae asked as he looked at the boy.
" im Remy, Remy Sasaki. i come from France, but i decided to get a job here in Korea. i want to be a History teacher." the boy answered. Remy Sasaki.
"you?" remy asked, as he playfully scooted closer.
"im Kang Tae-Sun. it's a pleasure to meet you." the two cheersed their shotglasses as they threw them down in one go. they smiled as they locked eyes again.

im not supposed to remember much, but something about that night made me unable to forget. he was so enchanting, and now he's my teacher? how the fuck am i gonna look at him? everytime i look at him i can only imagine how he felt against me, and how he sounded. and how he looked with my dick in his mouth. how the FUCK am i going to look at him? 

the two sat at the bar, still drinking and getting to know eachother. the two were so close, they could almost take a seat on eachother's laps. tae leaned closer to remy, as he leaned in a bit. remy answered and did the same. the two kissed gently, for the whole club to see, loud music yelled in their ear, and yet they couldn't hear anything else than eachother. they pulled away after a few, as homosexuality can still be frowned upon in Korea, and if Tae got caught, his career would easily be over. remy pulled away as he watched tae protest a bit.
"i have to go, i have to walk home." he said shy.

"you can't go by yourself, its dark out. it's dangerous."
"if only there was a big strong man who could walk with me." he said as he gathered his things and winked at tae. tae quickly jumped up from his chair, ready for whatever this night was about to bring.

"okay class, Remy here is going to do the checklist, to see if we ahve everyone in the class." yono sweetly moved back and gave remy a list of names, and pictures, so he could learn them.
"uh... Satsujin Akuma?" 
"uh, Nicholas Chang?"
"okay, Min Chul- Kyong?"
"perfect, Kan-......" remy paused, and i saw him look my way. we locked eyes and he looked,,,,a bit scared. i sat defeated on my spot, looking at the blush remy grew.

"Kang Tae-Sun?" 

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