morning, honey.

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anyk had been waiting for this day for what seemed like an eternity, while in reality it was a day or two. she wakes up with a smile automatically planted on her face, as she looked next to her to see her husband sleeping next to her her smile automatically got bigger. she quietly sneaked out of bed, careful not to wake him up. akkar felt a kiss placed on his temple, which he slightly smiled at before opening his eyes, but to his surprise, anyk was nowhere to be seen......only a note, for a moment akkar thought he was going insane, but that's normal for him. he sat up before picking up the note and unfolding it.

"to my dearest husband" the note wrote, akkar smiled at the sudden manners of his wife.

"i bet you're wondering where your dearest wife disappeared to, go to our bathroom and you shall see the next clue" akkar looked at the bathroom door immediately, knowing anyk was playing a game with him, he hurried out of bed and carefully opened the bathroom door, to make sure she wouldn't get scared. but she wasn't in there, what was, was another note, the same look to it as the other. akkar opened it to read the next clue to where his wife was hiding.

"i know you're curious what this is all about, so why don't you come downstairs to find out?" the note read. akkar smiled at anyk's rhyming skills before putting the note in his pocket with the previous one. he hurried out the bedroom door and down the stairs, only to discover a same note resting on the couch. he chuckled to himself.

"what is she up to?" he whispered as he finished walking the stairs. again, he picked up the note.

"where am i hiding, i wonder i'll see in the next note, which is somewhere under"

"somewhere under?" akkar asked confused, he started to look below his feet, searching the ground thoroughly. it definitely wasn't as easy as that, but it was wishful thinking. he started to look under furniture, sticking his head under lamp shades and behind the tv, he almost thought about giving up until he saw it laying there finally. it was under the desk drawer, it must've fell during akkar's scavenger hunt. he quickly waddled towards it.

"closet." it blankly said. akkars eyes widen as he rushed to the closet excited, maybe she was planning some secret breakfast or maybe something nice for him in the morning.... he stepped in the closet being unable to find anyk, which confused him to the point where he almost broke down. that is, until, he got a call from a certain taller wife of his.

"hello?? anyk??" he asked clearly a bit panicked.

"you're so easy to trick.." she said through the phone, akkar's face relaxed a bit.

"im not...where are u honey?"

"im upstairs in our bedroom, come as soon as u can~~" she said before hanging up.

"what?? i already checked-.....there..." he said before he heard the phone beep. he shrugged before running all the way upstairs again, awaiting to see what anyk was up to. he opened the door to find his wife standing infront of the closet mirror, she looked beautiful as always, hair down resting on one shoulder, in her beautiful nightgown which made her look like a goddess on earth (words akkar has said to alpha before, probably) her hands were on her heart, clutching something together in her hands which was yet to be discovered by akkar.

"wow..." akkar said from the door before walking closer to his wife. he wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes, letting his head rest on her shoulders. he then felt anyk put something in his hands as she was holding onto him, which obviously made akkar look up to see what she was doing. as he grabbed on to the mysterious object anyk gave him, anyk broke from his embrace to face him.

akkar looked at anyk's soft smile before looking at the item in his hands. it was not big, not small, it had a rectangular shape, but was also very unique in shape, a viewing section with a very visible red line..and a faint second line.....HOLY SHIT.

akkars eyes widen before looking at his wife quickly, he quickly looked back at the object in disbelief.

" pregnant" anyk smiled as she held onto akkar. akkar looked at her in disbelief, there was no emotion other than shock seen in his face.

"are...are you serious??" akkar asked, holding onto her waist. anyk nodded eagerly as she placed a hand on the side of akkars face, a tear formed in akkar's eye as he placed his hand on anyk's belly gently, though it escaped the moment he touched her stomach. akkar put the positive test in his hand into his pocket as fast as he could before holding onto his wife and hugging her tight, anyk's giggles echoed across the room as akkar lifted her up and twirled her around in his arms. he was quick to put her down though and apologize for squishing the baby.

"honey, you're gonna be a father!" anyk said excited, wiping away akkar's tear with her thumb.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD" akkar said excited aswell, still not believing his wife is carrying his child. anyk pulled akkar in for a kiss, the two sharing romantic kisses in their sweet moment. as the pulled away akkar spoke up once more.

"i did that..." he said as he placed his hand on her stomach again. anyk laughed.

"you did that" she agreed, even though she knew this was about to be an adventure, she knew akkar would make a great father. and their little child is going to grow up with loving people around them. ugh, she couldn't wait.

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