the night we met

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"oh and Tae! you remember Hikaru?" nick spoke, showing his international best friend off to his korean friendgroup. hikaru was the last to arrive at the house. hikaru just got off the plane and planned to meet up with nick. they all met up at nick's place, ready for a nice night of catching up. this was hikaru's second time in korea, visiting nick. the first time he already met some of them, but there were some faces he didn't know yet. 
"indeed i do, nice to see you again." tae said, as charming as every.
"my oh my" hikaru said to nick, smiling back at tae-sun. tae-sun smiled a bit, playfully since that's always been their vibe together. tae's smile faded, the moment he saw hikaru's guard dog turn the corner, looking as cold as ever. nick and hikaru locked arms and moved to the livingroom.
"you remember sante?" nick asked, chuckling a bit as he walked away.
"yeah, good to see you man." sante broke the cold act and nodded sweetly. 
"no bad blood right? we're good aren't we?" tae-sun asked sante as the guys walked into nick's livingroom, which was a bit crowded, but cozy. sante nodded, he didn't hold any grudges against him. 
"bad blood? why would he?" remy asked from the couch, shaking hikaru's hand, the social butterfly went to speak to everyone already. tae took a seat next to remy, instantly wrapping his arm around the back of the couch behind remy. tae looked hesistant to talk, looking between sante and the rest of the group.
"well. its honestly nothing." he shrugged, remy sat up, and looked around the group. who were all seated and loking around giggling.
"am i missing something? Kyong?" he tried asking, kyong put his hands up.
" speaking of missing something, and remy?" santino spoke, watching as tae-sun put his arm around remy's shoulder, a sly smirk on his face. remy smiled a bit, he loved it when tae showed him off, their lips touched in a loving kiss and the group whistling and making "oooh"noises. they pulled away and looked at eachoher like they were about to eat eachother up.
"good on you kang, got a boyfriend." santino then said, and tae grabbed his drink from the table.
"i got a fiance, that's a future kang right here." tae said before taking a sip, still smiling cocky. he knows he got lucky. more "oooh's" were heard. remy smiled a bit shy, he's still an introvert.
"i knew that, im on stan twitter!" hikaru added to the conversation, tucking his hair behind his ear. hikaru sat on sante's lap, which he always does.
"don't worry, im not coming after what's yours like you did." sante spoke, very suddenly. tae choked on his drink, trying to prevent a spit take all over kyong. nick spoke a quick "oop-" as he and hikaru made a face to eachother. remy looked confused at all the laughing.
"tell him tae-sun." satsujin tried to spark things. 
"yeah, tell him tae-sun! we all know we'll get the short and sweet version if sante tells us." kyong joked, ruffling nick's hair playfully. tae shook his head.
"fine, sit back i guess." everyone got comfortable.






a few years ago, the group was set at a local bar, meeting up with nick's abroad friends. the group cheersed their shotglasses of soju. 
"GAMBE!" tae yelled as he threw back the glass. then four people walked in. it was satsujin, santino, sante and hikaru. nick swallowed his shot and waved his hand, letting them know they were over here. the four walked towards the table, of very happy people. hikaru's eyes scanned the table, looking at everyone who was there. 
there was Si-Jun, a redheaded guy, he looked a bit intimidating, but in the same way sante does.
then there was Na-Bi, a lively looking girl who reminded him a bit of satsujin.
then there was Chul-Kyong, now Hikaru has had enough face time calls with nick to know who this guy is. he looked delicious.
then his eyes fell on nick, who he was so happy to finally see again since nick moved to korea.
next was Tae-Sun, hikaru looked a bit shocked, he knew damn well who tae was. he was a huge brightplay fan, i guess nick forgot to mention he was friends with Kang motherfuckin tae-sun. they made eyecontact and hikaru melted a bit, tae gave a small friendly smile.
"KANG TAE-SUN???? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" hikaru said loudly, and all tae could do was smile. 
"hello, im kang tae-sun-" hikaru quickly intrupted him.
"i know who you are, nick scoot over i wanna sit next to my motherfuckin idol." hikaru approached, and nick scooted away, he knew this was coming. tae smiled cocky, he liked meeting fans, especially if his fans were pretty, and his type. sante, his boyfriend, let hikaru do whatever he wanted, but he was keeping his eye on them none the less, taking a seat next to Na-Bi. 
"just letting you know, im for the girls and the theys. so don't worry im not gonna hit on you." sante dropped his scary act and gave an awkward smile, not really rady to talk yet. 
"hey, you're my bias." hikaru said, very happy to be sitting next to tae-sun. tae-sun gave a side smile.
"im glad you like me most" he said, everyone at the table noticed his voice got a bit deeper, and nick looked a bit. 
"damn you're hella pretty, you're even buffer in real life. give me your arm-" hikaru grabbed tae's arm without anything else. tae smiled again, loving hikaru's energy. as hikaru squeezed at tae's arm and did little "woh, damn" noises nick cleared his throat.
"so, we ordered three more soju bottles and some food for everyone to share." nick spoke. "have fun, let's celebrate you being here!" he said excited. the group cheersed again again enjoyed their evening getting to know eachother. but nobody got to know eachother better than tae and hikaru did, they whispered in eachother's ears, got really close to eachother when laughing and touched eachother alot. all sante was doing was looking, just to make sure tae didn't try anything. which he didn't, it was mostly hikaru. the night seemed to pass too slwoly for sante, he let out a sigh when the group all collectively stood up to leave. tae-sun paid for everyone, and hikaru moved his hair behind his ear. 
"damn zaddy got that k-pop money" tae laughed as he thanked the bar service. they stood outside for a smoking break. even though na-bi, Satsujin and Santino were the only ones who didn't smoke. everyone was talking and hanging out.
"okay, you're not allowed to tell anyone this, the company said i had to stop" tae told hikaru as he pulled his cigarettes out of his pockets. 
"i didn't stop" tae mouthed as he grabbed one cig. hikaru giggled, grabbing his own. everyone smoked, and sante's eyes were still on hikaru and tae. waiting for the right moment. then, just as their cigarettes were reaching their end, the right moment came. 
sante watched as tae slipped a paper in hikaru's hand lingering a bit on the touch, trying to flirt and hold his hand. sante knew that was his number, he put out his cigarette, walking towards the scene. he gave tae-sun a strong push, and tae got pushed against the wall, dropping his cig on the concrete. sante put his hands in his pockets as he walked infront of him, to "talk". everyone looked to watch. a little worried to see what was happening.
"hey what the hell man?" tae asked confused. 
"you always touch on people's boyfriends like that?" sante's voice sounded dark, and they haven't heard him talk all night. 
"what? what the fuck are you talking ab-" sante held him by the collar of his blouse, holding him close to him.
"my boyfriend, you want him don't you? thought you'd quickly slip your number?" sante remained calm, he wasn't angry, he was threatening. tae struggled a bit, trying to be let go.
"hey man, i didn't know. he was coming onto me." tae defended, he got shoved back, not against the wall, but almost.
"yeah, and you crossed a line. i let him do what he wants, i don't care, he wants me, and i can fight." tae widened his eyes as he fixed his blouse. 
"alright alright, that's enough of you. no beating up korea's national treasure." santino started pulling sante back, he was used to this. after that incident, everyone was silent.
"i guess we should just go home huh? it's fine! we'll see you all later." nick said, trying to save the awkwardness, he took hikaru's hand and pulled him away from the scene. as people started to walk off, tae spoke up.
"guys? we can't end the night here. we gotta talk this out. i don't wanna end it with this vibe." everyone heard tae and turned back, surprised by his professionalism. 
"come, let's head to my house. ill call my driver." the rest agrees as hikaru and sante stayed quiet. all of them following tae to his home. 

once they settled in and got drinks, they started playing games and having fun, it was a sleepover, tae's house was big enough anyway. tae tapped sante on the shoulder, and nodded to the other side of the room to talk, sante agreed.
"hey, im truly sorry man, i should have asked. and actually, i should have known. im sorry dude, can we, start again?" sante smiled a bit, he enjoyed tae-sun, he was genuinely sweet. he nodded.
"cool, thanks. make yourself at home by the way, i got you some typical korean snacks....want a snack tour?" tae was back to his playful side, ready to become best friends with sante, and sante could only smile and nod. 
later in the evening tae also spoke to hikaru.
"hey, im sorry to you aswell, i must've come onto you a bit too quick huh?"
"oh i actually kind enjoyed it, but that's just between us." hikaru said back, making tae smirk again.
"you should probably start telling people you're taken, i was lucky santino saved my ass tonight i think."
"ah, i probably should huh. tbh him pushing you against a wall like tat made me a bit tingle not gonna lie." tae laughed at hikaru's lack of seriousness. the night continued with fun, and friends, and alcohol and headaches. 

*end of flashback* 


remy laughed at the story , everyone did at the way tae told the story. 
"you're not mad at me are you?" tae asked remy. 
"mad at you? no ofcourse not. you didn't even know me back then. plus it was kind of funny." remy kissed tae's cheek, and tae smiled softly. 
"are you mad at me for coming onto your man?" hikaru asked from across the room.
"no ofcourse not, look at him, i applaud you if you can stay away." 
"oh i can! i mean tae is great but look at my guy." hikaru was still sat on sante, he put his face to his by the cheek.
"plus that dick is a bonus, im good." hikaru spoke, everyone laughed at him, sante just smiled, a little disturbed. the rest of the night was comfortable, simular with that one night they met. but this time in a smaller space with more people. this was one big friendship in the blooming.

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