one time thing

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a loud knock was heard at eden's home for the time being, eden never really lived permanently. he didn't have many people close, just one close friend really. so as soon as he heard that knock his thoughts started gushing, was it the police? was he in trouble if he opened the door? as eden made his way to the door slowly, this unsettling feeling poking his nape, he held his hand on a small pocketknife in his pocket. he whipped open the door in one fast move, expecting the worst but in reality, it was the best. there stood his best friend, the only one he trusts, Sirrias. though the feeling of joy quickly replaced itself with an ache as he saw him crying on his doorstep, the boy was staying strong, but you could tell he was just numb from crying for god knows how long. sirrias looked eden in the eye and started crying again , not even caring about hiding it anymore. eden grabbed sirrias's wrist and pulled him inside, not wasting a moment to pull him in for a hug. as sirrias was not fond of physical touch, they never really shared hugs, but sirrias needed it and so he hugged back. eden softly tapped the door with his foot to shut it, keeping all the bad things going on outside away from them in the moment.

"shhh, its alright, im here now" eden said as he pet sirrias's hair softly, genuine concern punching his lower gut every once in a while. sirrias pulled away after a while, first looking into eden's eyes before wiling his tears away.

"i think," eden started, " you would do best with a warm shower right about now, dont you think?" eden smiled gently, letting sirrias know he meant it in a comforting way.

"yeah......yeah i'd like that" sirrias said as he pulled away from eden's embrace completely and walked to the bathroom, taking a hot shower to calm his mind.



a little later sirrias returned from the shower, still drying his hair as he came back to the room eden was in, which was pretty much the only other room in the house. as he walked through the doorframe he saw eden, tapping the place next to him on his bed and opening the blanket for him.

"i know it isn't much, but it'll keep you warm." eden said, sirrias slightly smiled as he made his way to eden, the two laying down next to eachother. there was silence for a little bit, both not sure what to do in the moment, but it was comfortable.

"do you uh, want to talk about it?" eden said, not knowing how to truly comfort someone.

"i-........i got cursed." sirrias spoke, which made eden turn to his side to look at him.

"what do you mean cursed? by who?" eden spoke, passion raising his voice slightly.

sirrias turned to him aswell and looked at him in wonder.

"it was my sister, it was all her, eden im terrified" eden spoke, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"hey hey, shhh" eden spoke as he wiped his thumb over his tear stained cheek.

"nobody can hurt you now, i'll protect you, you're safe"

as eden was stroking his thumb across sirrias's cheek he looked him in the eye, which, ultimately, caused there to be some heavy tension in the room.

sirrias almost looked...fragile and gentle, while the sirrias eden knows is very much the opposite of that. seeing that, eden knew sirrias needed some type of support, since he never came out to grab it like he did today. sirrias placed his hand on top of eden's, rubbing his thumb over it as he stared up into his eyes. eden broke the tension, he slowly leaned into eden's lips, still making sure it wasn't just him feeling like this. and, it wasn't, sirrias leaned in to, causing their lips to meet halfway. gently and unsure eden placed his lips on sirrias's, making sure he felt the love in each move that the two would make together. sirrias ran his hand through eden's hair as he felt eden pull his waist closer to his body. as many kisses went by, as much tension built up in the room. sirrias wanted nothing more than to be close to eden right now, closer than friends were, even if it was just for now. the moment eden felt sirrias work on his blouse buttons he flipped him over to lay on top of him. eden pulled away to look at sirrias, he saw him in a different light than before, he needed him.

"im not letting go of you tonight, im right here." eden whispered.

"come closer to me" sirrias whispered back before continuing on eden's buttons, pulling slightly to catch eden's lips again. they feel exactly like he imagined them to, and the taste was a dangerous one, one that you might get addicted to. eden softly trailed kisses all over sirrias's body, exploring every corner while he had the chance. and so, eden and sirrias made love, the rest comes later, for now its just them in the moment.





eden groaned as he flopped himself next to sirrias after cleaning them up. sirrias immediately went to lay his head on his chest, eden placing his hand on his waist.

"do you think what we did was right?" sirrias asked.

"sure felt right." eden joked, earning a small punch in his chest from the smaller.

"no, you know what i mean. we've been friends for years, are we just not going to see eachother again or something? will this make shit weird?" sirrias said.

"woah, okay, first of all im not planning on leaving you, thought i made that pretty clear back there. second, it won't be weird. it felt good didn't it? then why make it weird."

sirrias stopped for a second to look at eden, sitting up perfectly for the moonlight to hit his face. eden tucked sirrias's hair behind his ear lovingly, holding his face in his palm after. sirrias leaned into his hand with a weak smile, continuing to stare at eden.

"you know" eden started, "we could make it a two time thing" he carefully suggested.

sirrias smiled as his words touched him, even making him chuckle because of his recklessness. though that didnt last long, sirrias placed himself of eden's lap, eden sitting up to catch sirrias's body as close as possible. sirrias took full control of the following kiss, which caught eden off guard. there was less love, more need, more aggression, more sex, more sirrias. this was going to be a fun evening.

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