a casual evening

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"come on rem, I promise you'll feel more awake after." Tae-Sun tried as he carefully pushed his lover inside the bedroom door.

"it's 8 pm, there's no need to wake up now~" Remy whined as he got pushed into the room.

"come on, quick, I promise you're going to feel good" tae said as his hands slowly trailed to remy's hips.

"taee~ I don't want to take a shower!"

The two stood infront of the bathroom door, which was in their bedroom. Tae quickly tapped on remy's ass about 3 times before pushing him in the bathroom.

"fine, but you better be waiting for me once im done." remy sighed, pointing his finger at his boyfriend.

"why ofcourse, my remedy" tae said before pecking his boyfriend on the lips.

"gross" remy said softly while closing the door on tae-sun, hiding his blush when he heard his favorite nickname. There, silence, now its just remy to his own. Tae smiled behind the door, quickly going to do his own thing as he waited for his boyfriend to return. He took a big sigh before getting to it, you see, Tae-sun was up way earlier than usual, remy assumed it was because of writing stress. And yk, when I say early, I mean like 4-5am. Remy loves tae-sun, he really does....but in the mornings tae can't keep his lips to himself. He gently places kisses on his temples, forehead, cheeks, hands, neck, you name it, whatever he sees. He once caught him kissing his thigh, which was out of the blanket. And yes, its adorable, but it does wake remy up, but tae doesn't need to know that. For the rest of the day, remy was really tired, even after a nap on tae's lap while he was working. He missed all the information people tried to give him today, god, don't even try asking him what day it is. But now, its all good, though he was exhausted. The warm drops of the shower started hitting his arm, that did wake him a little as his showers are usually boiling. Slowly but surely he moved into the water fully, letting each drop of water take his tiredness away. Then, he heard a voice at the door.

"baby?" tae spoke.

"what is it mon amour?" remy put the shower on softer, so he could hear the boy at the door.

"why did you lock the door?" tae spoke, you could hear the playfulness in his voice.

"so perverts like you stay outside, dear" remy teased.

".....I just wanted to check up on you." tae tried, obviously trying to help remy shower.

"im fine, ill be out in a second."

"how do you feel in there?"

Remy sighed, "good"

"ok cool! I'll leave you alone now."

Remy turned the shower back on to the fullest, whispering 'goodluck' to himself, he was smiling at his clingy boyfriend, he loved being loved.

Remy turned back to his shower, finishing cleaning himself up and hurrying to make his way back to his boyfriend. As he wrapped himself in a warm towel that tae put on the heater for him, he smiled to find a hoodie next to it. It was one of tae's, which ultimately is his favorite, it smelled like him. He very quietly made his way out of the bathroom, the first sight he saw being his boyfriend in a hoodie, the hood was on which made him look softer than usual. He was playing video games on the tv, very obviously keeping a spot reserved for remy. Remy smiled to himself as he walked towards Tae-Sun, hoodie covering his upper thighs and his hands hidden in the sleeves. He stood there next to him for a second, looking at Tae with heart eyes. But, ofcourse, Tae-Sun noticed the figure standing with him, he gave him a loving smile.

"saved you a spot" tae said as he tapped his lap. Remy raised his eyebrow.

"really? I could also sit next to you in the very obvious free spot I see"

"nono, come come"

Remy smiled in adorance at his clingy boyfriend before taking a seat on his lap, feeling tae-sun's arms wrap around his waist to pull him closer to himself. Remy looked down to see tae had his controller in his hand, around his waist, so remy knew he would be stuck here for a while.

"look" tae pointed at the television, showing remy something in the game he might like.

"woah, did you make that?" remy asked as his eyes lit up to the screen.

"mhm" tae mumbled with his lips against remy's neck, sending chills up his spine. Tae gentle started placing tiny kisses there, you could feel they were genuine. Remy smiled as he looked back at the boy against his skin. He was completely taken away by the enjoyment of the love he was receiving, and Tae knew that. Tae put his controller down gently and started stroking cicles with his thumb on remy's abdomen with his free hand.

" Nonono, you continue your game baby" remy said obviously teasing. Which led Tae-Sun to look at the smaller male in his embrace.

"don't tease, you know what you're doing to me" he spoke in a silent deep voice. At that moment remy stood up from his boyfriends's lap to turn around. Taking a seat back onto his lap with facing him, digging his hand in his hair to make him look up at him.

"tell me about what I do to you" remy spoke, the same tone as tae had. Tae smirked at the confidence he had awoken in his pretty boyfriend. Remy put his index finger underneath tae's chin, pulling him in confidently as their lips connected. Love filled the room, but, ofcourse, more shall fill the room as they keep going. Tae-Sun made sure to tell remy what he does to him, for a few rounds. 

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