actions speak louder than words 2

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i have been texting remy for a few months now, we have really begun to hit it off. i would hide my phone from my staff members and band members, just in case they'd snitch to the company. our texts all went through a translator. we mostly spoke English, but from time to time he'd switch it up and compliment me in korean. by the time we met he had no idea of who i was, maybe that's what began to pull me in. but now he's seen all of my work and claims to be my biggest fan. but that also means he knows its important not to be seen. im not...sure what situation we're in. maybe he sees me as a friend, or a boytoy to keep around for entertainment....nah, not remy. but our texts are flirty, and sometimes even a bit suggestive. i blame the translator for that, though im hoping im wrong. i have taken him on a few dates, or well...hang outs i suppose. ive told my friends and family about him too. everytime i see him, i get unreasonably warm inside. he's fantastic, and fucking fascinating. i get nervous around him, and ive never had that before. i didn't think i could feel this nervous about love, or...friendship?.....fine. i have known of my feelings for him for months, and they dont seem to leave me alone, no matter how long i wait. his english has gotten better, but he's still pretty much quiet, or trying when we meet up. its like playing charades sometimes, but that gets good laughs anyways. its now currently autumn, near my birthday, and im taking remy out for coffee. im going undercover, with my mask and glasses, a big brown coat and combat boots. i even covered up my scar, since people recognise it. i waited outside remy's apartment, and waited for him to find my car. he walked out in the most beautiful autumn toned sweater, way too big on his torso. some dresspants and an overall fancy look, he was taking it seriously apparently. i drove him into the city of busan, my birthplace, and took him to my favourite cafe. was closed.
"fuck" i said, and remy laughed.
"yeah, i bet you know that one huh?"
"oui" remy smiled. i smile at him too, before noticing his pose. his hands are crossed over his chest rubbing his arms for warmth, i guess he underestimated the weather.
"oh! are you cold remy?" i asked as i motioned and mimicked his stance and rubbed my arms. i saw remy get shy over the observation, and look down at his feet biting his cheek. i quickly took off my jacket, and put it over his shoulder, he looked up at me as i fixed it, and helped his arms in. i looked at him too, for a second. he had stumbled forward a bit, and got close, it was nerve-wracking. i started to close the jacket, which was ingulfing remy completely. i could tell he has never really been taken care of this way, he didn't really know what to do or say. as i fixed my own clothing, which was just a turtleneck with a blouse, i heard him softly speak.
"gamsahabnida" i was really proud of him at that moment, and it made me foolishly smile in admiration.
"ne" i said in between awkwardly. we both couldn't really face eachother, so he changed the subject.
"ah, les gens ne vont-ils pas remarquer qui vous êtes maintenant?" he asked almost worried. but my french still has not improved. i raised an eyebrow, which made him think.
"uh...uh... oh wah! Tae-Sun! him him!" he said while pointing at me and then around us. it was silly, but somehow i knew exactly what he meant. he was worried id be recognisable. i probably was, but i shook my head no, i didn't really care.
"come on, let's get some hot chocolate for that red nose of yours." i knew he wouldn't really get me, so i held out my hand for him to take. and he did, without much further thought might i add. we let out fingers intertwine as i guided him to a little stand. i saw him looking at me in the corner of my eye as i ordered them, it was hopeful, to me at least. i handed him his hot chocolate, it was filled with whipped cream and marshmallows, and again he had that sparkle in his eye.
"wahhh" i heard him say, and it made me smile, he smiled back. mine just had a simple cup. i watched as slowly he made his way through all the extra treats, his nose was red, but had a dot of whipped cream, and dont even get me started about his whipped cream mustache he was creating. it was indearing to see him warm himself against the cup, and his hands covered by my jacket. after we finished, i cleaned his face a bit, and it embarressed him. i smiled as he quickly took the wipe from me and took over. after, we went back to the car, and i drove him to my house. i wasn't ready to call it a day yet, so we decided to watch a movie on the couch. i had dimmed all my light to make it cozy, and i watched remy explore the house, he was like a kid in a candy store. my bass rested in the corner near the couch, and he pointed at it.
"kang tae-sun! brightplay!" that made me smile at him again.
"oui" i spoke as i made my way to the kitchen. i texted him in French so he would understand, i said "the remote is next to you, choose whichever movie you like, ill get us snacks" i saw him look up from his phone and smile at me as he placed himself on my couch. i got us ready, and even gave us a blanket.
"i only have one, so you'll have to scootch close." i knew he wouldn't understand me, and i had a blanket for every member of brightplay in the house. ah well. i playfully threw the blanket over remy's head, and he laughed, i saw he picked out dirty dancing. and so i pressed play and sat next to remy, who covered my legs in the soft blanket. i leaned back on my couch and put my arm at the top, i saw remy tense at the thought of me wrapping my arm around his shoulders. I smile at his awkwardness before i feel him cuddle up to me. my heart sank to my stomach, he put his head on my shoulder, and places his hand on my chest. his leg rested on my leg, they intertwined automatically. i must admit the rest of the movie went slow, all i was focussing on was that he couldn't hear my heartbeat, or my breathing hitch everytime he even slightly moves his leg or hand. but strangely, nothing happened for the rest of the movie, sometimes we glanced and smiled at eachother, and he massaged the side of my face as i rubbed and held his waist. it was wholesome. it was everything i needed and more with him. then, just like that, the movie ended. as the title sequence played i tried getting up, but remy pushed me back down. we stared at eachother and his face was close to mine. it felt like a drama cliché, as if it was a written fanfiction (😏). fuck it. i gave his waist a gentle pull, and his lips caught mine. i must've had enough of all that flirting, and actions speak louder than words. louder than our words ever could actually. we pulled away after just one kiss. and it was silent, mostly because we cant find the words, literally.
"j'taime" he says. and i knew damn well what that meant, though i wasn't gonna let that show, he was gonna have to show me. his eyes rolled as he saw me look confused. he placed his hand on his heart, and then on my heart, and looked me in the eye longingly.
"you love me?"
"i love you too." i placed my hand on his chest, and then my own, his eyes sparkled again. i want to see that sparkle forever. ill think about everything else later, like how to tell my band members and kyong. or the fact that we said that we loved eachother on the third date. that night, remy stayed over. and we cuddled..........and stuff.

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