one night

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nobody's pov:

"tonight, i want everyone to help me welcome my beautiful boyfriend to the stage. give him a big hand." tae yelled as the crowed roared a deafening scream. a bright blushed remy walked onto the stage with the help of 2 other brightplay members, who knew what was happening.
quickly remy walked to tae-sun, the view of the arena with at least 10 thousand little lights was amazing, and it made him smile a bit the way everyone was so happy to see him. it had been a little over a year since tae and remy made their relationship public, and tae-sun's fans really seemed to love him. currently, brightplay was on tour, and tonight they're in paris. with a shocked face remy went to stand as close to tae as possible, and tae wrapped his arm around his waist.
"everyone, this, is the love of my life, and i am so sure. i want to thank you, for excepting him, loving him, and supporting him thoughout my career. gamsahabmnida" the crowd went wild as remy smiled big.
"remy, my remy. i have a little surprise for you. for the past few weeks i have been writing a little something especially for you. and now that it's just you and me on this stage in paris, i want to let you hear it." the crowd yelled as remy took a seat infront of tae on the floor, saying hello to a few fans before giving tae-sun his attention. tae stood with an acoustic guitar, ready to show his love what he had been working on, and another camera focussed on remy's face, showing him off on the big screen. tae started singing a song so beautiful and heartwritten, that he got most of the crowd crying, bu they weren't the only ones. the big screen showed remy, with tears running down his cheeks, somehow still with that happy smile. his eyes flickered in the stage lights and he looked at nothing else but tae-sun. 

when the song was over the arena was screaming, every french brightplay stan grateful tae decided to do this here. remy stood up and walked to tae-sun, tae caught him and wrapped his arms around his body as remy hid in his shoulder. when they pulled away tae caught remy in a kiss, and the screaming got even louder, but that didn't stop the two.
"woah woah woah hey! CALM DOWN" amy joked as she and the brightplay members ran on stage to get remy and tae off of eachother. and they succeeded, with big smiles on their faces taeremy seperated into the member's backhug. juke holding tae, amy holding remy. the people on stage calmed down and stood to talk to the crowd.
"that was cheesy as hell tae-sun" trey spoke as he made the members laugh in agreement.
"i never thought you'd have that romantic inside of you." cyrus added.
"aye i can be sweet! dont look down on me." tae joked back.
"be sweet to us next please." licilia said.
"no licilia he won't understand that." cyrus joked.
"oh shit u right, tae-sun jebal-" licilia bowed as tae laughed, his dimples on display.
'did you guys like that???" amy screamed into the stadium, and the stadium screamed back.
"oh! look remy!" tae pointed at some signs in the crowd, and remy looked. there stood some fans in the front, with a sign that said "Remy Sasaki we love you!!" as the big screen showed hat sign, many more remy themed signs got put up into the air, and taeremy's smiles grew big. 
"WAAAHH!!" the members said happily as they pointed towards the crowd's signs. licilia grabbed ahold of remy's hand and guided him to the front of the stage, to look at everything. the group started reading a few things aloud, and remy heavily thanked everyone in french. it went silent for a bit as remy was picking out some of his favorite signs ( which was probably one of tae-sun's, saying tae have my babies or something.) suddenly, the crowed screamed, remy watched as their expressions changed from curious to shocked. someone must've winked at the camera or something. remy turned around to see who must've winked, but he found something else. infront of him was is boyfriend, on one knee with an open ring box in his hand. he gave a big smile as he tried reaching for remy's hand, but remy was quick to cover his mouth with his hands. the brightplay members hyped tae up as they pulled remy towards his boyfriend. after letting tae hold remy's hand the brightplay members went back to face the crowd, asking them to quiet down a bit so tae and remy could hear eachother. all remy could do was look in pure fucking amazement at his boyfriend, they have talked of marriage before, but tae always just changed the subject, remy always felt a bit sad, not knowing tae was already planning a proposal. silence filled the arena as tae and remy focussed on eachother. 
"remy" tae-sun started, and remy already felt the tears of happiness coming.
"we met accidentally, that one day, and ever since that day i've known that whatever you'd allow me to be of you i'd want it for the rest of my life. however, today, i know what i want to be, and ive waited for the day to call you mine. now, im going to count down to the day i get to call you by my last name. and i still sometimes feel like you're a dream, and i've got to wake up one day, but no matter how many times i spiral to those thoughts, you help me out and dig me out of it. for that i owe you my life, you make me the happiest man who ever lived, and i hope that from this night on, i can repay you in any way. i thank you for introducing me to nino, for loving my family, for accepting my friends, for getting me through my grief of my parents.  i love you more than anything. you're the bravest man i've ever met, and i thought i was pretty punk rock you know. i hope that you'll do me the absolute honor, my beautiful, kind, smart, graceful, funny, genuine and perfect remedy. will you make me the luckiest man alive, and will you marry me?" tae cried, as he only payed attention to remy, who was also bawling at this point. the crowd went wild before even awaiting remy's answer. remy smiled inbetween the tears and nodded yes happily, tae stood up quickly to hug remy and wrap his body around his. the two cried for a bit as the arena cheered, tae kissed remy deeply after placing the ring around his finger. it was a perfect fit, but everyone knew that. tae walked to the mic with remy and screamed into it, holding up remy's hand.
"HE SAID YES" he yelled, his voice lingered in the area, and it sent shivers up everyone's spine. the members yelled as they jumped tae-sun to celebrate him, and ofcourse, remy too. but tae had a little moment to lay on the floor in relief because he was really nervous.
"tae-sun was so nervous i dont think ive ever seen him this way" amy said in her mic.
"you did it buddy" cyrus said as he kicked at tae playfully. suddenly the lights went out, and the members left stage, as tae grabbed (kidnapped) remy off stage to prepare for his next song. a quick kiss shared between the two as brightplay finished their tour.




the last song was on, and brightplay had been performing, partying and dancing all evening. now they're walking around the stage interacting with the camera and the fans. about a minute into the son tae brings remy onto the stage aswell to say goodbye to the fans and sing and dance along. tae held remy close as he showed off the engagement ring, singing along loudly and waving goodbye. needless to say that this was a moment the french brightplay fans got that they wont ever forget, and one that twitter will eat up- 

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