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After some time of wandering through the area with Xiao, little ( Y/N ) and the Adepti now sat on a field with Qixing - and sweet flowers as the male did his best on creating a small flower crown for the kid while making sure that they wouldn't run of too far while chasing some small foxes or butterflies.

As after quite some time — Xiao somehow managed to the crown as he mentioned the child over who excitedly came over before immediately sitting in front of the black haired male just as he carefully placed the flowers on top of their head, the kid smiling even more as they looked up at the Adepti who slightly smiled in return as well before patting their head, trying his best to not destroy the flower crown meanwhile, before a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

"One did never imagined to see one of the mighty Yaksha like this"

The voice said what caused Xiao and ( Y/N ) to look back just to notice the presence of cloud retainer, one of the Adepti who took the form of a white crane, accompanied by Ganyu — an emissary and secretary for the Liyue Qixing, just that she abandoned her work for some time, thinking that the Adepti would need her more than the Qixing.

"Cloud Retainer, Ganyu. Long time no see"

Xiao said, now standing up while holding the hand of the kid now standing besides him who looked up at the blue haired female a bit behind the crane, with sparkling eyes before running over towards her, hugging her leg before looking up with a wide grin.

"Oh? You must be ( Y/N ), right? I already heard a lot of things about you! My name is Ganyu"

The female said, crouching down while a small smile was plastered on her lips, only causing the child in front to grin even more before they dragged her over towards some places on the flower field where especially a lot of beautiful flowers grew while Ganyu was just fascinated by the Energie bundle.

"You know, Xiao, it's good seeing you like this after everything that happened, even if it all was a long time ago. One did never imagined you to care for such a fragile being a few thousand years ago, and now look at this"

Cloud Retainer said while the Yaksha kept his silence, just watching how ( Y/N ) excitedly showed literally everything they found to the blue haired female who somehow found it interesting — or rather just cute. Sure, she already saw a Qixing flower before but the kid seemed like they wanted to present her a new flower that they discovered while beim as happy as ever, as Ganyu did just pretended to see such a flower the first time in her life what only made ( Y/N ) even more excited — causing them to do this with almost everything nearby as the other two just watched from the distance.

"Say, do you ever regret what you did?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Morax told that you found the kid in an abandoned village, Xiao, but that's not how it really happened, right?"


The Yaksha kept his silence once again as the other Adepti asked this question while the memory of the day a few thousand years ago when he found ( Y/N ), showed up in his mind again.

Yes it was true, there was nobody left in the village other than the small kid, just that Xiao was the reason for that — slaughtering the soldiers of the village on the battlefield in the war, just to come there afterwards to the ones who were left behind there, like the womans or injured men to end what he began. At the very end — just that tiny and frightened kid was hiding in their wooden house and for some reason, Xiao took the kid with him even though he didn't knew why he did this.

"I don't. Call me a selfish monster if you want, but I do not regret a thing of what I did that day. I killed multiple people and maybe not everyone of them was a bad person — but they were our enemies and in a war, there are different rules... so no, I got to take ( Y/N ) home and I don't regret it even a bit"

The male said while cloud Retainer gazed down at him — surprised about his answer and especially that he used the word 'home', but now she was the one to be silent as the Adepti looked at the child as well, being glad that the kid was able to pull the Yaksha out of this dark hole he was trapped in, even though they most likely didn't even noticed it a bit themself.

The male said while cloud Retainer gazed down at him — surprised about his answer and especially that he used the word 'home', but now she was the one to be silent as the Adepti looked at the child as well, being glad that the kid was able to pull...

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Long time no see tbh and I'm really sorry for that :,) but now you have a chapter and are hopefully happy with it 🤝 I have a plan on what to do next and I guess the signora and Scaramouche fans beneath y'all can be excited for the next chapters 🧚‍♀️ most likely in 2 or 3 chapters.

And yesss Ik that Scaramouche is not from Liyue neither shows up there, but we all love this dude just the tiniest bit so who cares 🚶‍♀️

Now I really need to go to sleep 🙋‍♀️ see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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