Chapter 1

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"Here it is," "oh wow I thought it would be at least a little more settle." I muttered under my breath, "Faith for once in you're life stop with the commentary," "sorry dad it just comes out."

He sighed and turned away from the house to look at me with a disappointed glance, "just get out of the car and help me unpack, you start school in three days so try and get your stuff out of the truck first ok?"

And I was home.

I had one year to stay in this shit hole and then I can leave, just one year Faith, just try and have one normal uneventful senior year.

Walking up to the front porch, I felt like I was in a movie when the main character has a mid-life crisis and moves to the middle of nowhere because of their mental breakdown.

I took a deep breath of air filling my lungs and I walked inside, it was a nice house I couldn't lie about that, spacious and modern I would describe it as. Nothing more than you're basic family house, even though we weren't even close to a family, families are meant to love eachother not tear eachother apart.

"Wheres my room?" "Look down the hall it's one of those," there were three doors at this end of the hallway, which one to choose? I chose the middle one, opening it up I saw the bathroom, next one I thought to myself unless I wanted to sleep in the bathtub, I found my room after ten minutes, one of actually looking and then nine smoking through the bathroom window so my dad wouldn't catch me.

I walked into my new room, I was met with white plain walls, a bed in the middle of the room and my oversized beanbag on the floor and some other furniture that was from my old room. Mostly just my desk, dresser and the full length mirror.

I spun around and dropped my body onto my bed feeling this wave of mention I didn't know how to handle come over me.

There was a small walk in closet and I pictured my mom walking in and out of it helping me pick out my first day of school outfit like she did every year, even as I grew up we still did it, it was like our thing, a tradition I should say.

I sat down on my bed and laying down letting my thoughts consume me, I didn't want to be here anymore than Jess wanted to be in Stars Hollow, I threaten to run away if I was forced to come and yet somehow I willingly got into the car with my dad and drove here, to 'start over' says my father all the time,

I didn't need to have a do-over I need to be back home with my friends smoking weed at five in the morning and getting in trouble with the police for trespassing, under aged drinking and for just being teenage delinquents, I was at the police station so much back home they named the bench that I would wait on until I sobered up after me, I was famous there. The good old times.

Here I was in this stupid small town because when people die some people think that running away and leaving will solve all your problems especially when you have a teenager who just got jumped out a gang, so ya why not move six hours away to pretend like my mother's death never happened, why fucking not.

Life sucks, a lot of people know that and I'm not going to stand here and pity myself but when my mom died from lung cancer a month ago it hit my dad harder than it affected me, mostly because in the months leading up to her death I was never home.

Hell, I didn't even know my mother had lung cancer, that's what happens when your a shit daughter who snuck out of the house every night to be more a part of a gang than her actual family. My dad thought that moving away would solve everything from a snap of his fingers.

Now don't get me wrong I love running away from my problems but death isn't a problem it's just a pothole that sallows you up and crushes you until you break.

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