Chapter 34

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"Sebastian let me paint your fucking nails,"

 I moved my eyes away from Alex and looked up at Vi who was chasing my boyfriend around the house trying to get him to sit still so she could paint Seb's nails.

We were all over at Alex's house for a movie night before the weekend ended. "You can be matching with TJ." Seb shook his head and glared at her then looked at me with a pleading glance. "Faith tell your boyfriend to get over here,"

Seb walked up to me on the couch and with a glare on his face he sat next to me hiding his face behind my back, "I don't want my fucking nails painted you crazy ass bitch."

Seb mumbled into my shoulder talking to Vi, "Faith are you going to let him talk to your best friend like that?" I laughed and ran my hands through Seb's hair and he moved us so I was fully infront of him hiding him from Vi.

 "Don't get me involved in your little feud," "trust me it's not little, your asshole of a boyfriend is just being a scaredy cat." He pulled away from my shoulder and laid back onto the couch holding up his middle finger to Vi.

"Shut the fuck up and go bother someone else," "you guys are evil, you hear me? Evil!" I laid back with Seb and turned my head so we were face to face, around the room Beca was painting Oli's and Alex's nails as a movie played on the tv as background sound.

"How about I paint your nails and then I'll do mine so we're matching?" I asked the devil while wiping a stray eyelash from his cheek, he smiled at my touch and nodded his head his green eyes gazing down to my lips.

"I love looking at your eyes." 

His deep voice came out as a whisper, "I also love looking at your tits and your ass but mostly your eyes." 

"Well thank you very much for that information hotshot." I stood up with a smile on my face and reached my hand down and Seb took ahold of it pulling himself up, he rose to his full height towering over me.

We walked over and sat next to Alex and Oli who were both blowing on their nails trying to dry them, I laughed at the colour Alex chose and made Seb sit down so I could paint his nails.

"Welcome to Faith's nail salon how may I help you?"

 I joked and rummaged around the different nail polishes, "let's just get this fucking over with." "Your wish is my command hotshot." I took Seb's large hand in mine and did all of the nail prep before we chose out a colour, "I'm not going into my fight tonight with neon green nails Faith."

 Seb deadpanned and looked between me and the bottle of green nail polish with a glare, "then help me chose one instead of sulking." 

After much deliberation we finally decided on just plain black nail polish, Seb made sure that I painted my nails the same colour as his so we could be matching before he took it off for his fight much to my dismay.

"Sebby, what colour are my eyes?" Alex asked from the other side of the room while batting his eyelashes at Seb and me. "Shit brown."

I muffled out a laugh and looked at Alex who almost looked like he was about to cry but then Beca handed him a bowl of popcorn and he picked one up from the bowl and threw it at Seb. I finished painting my nails and waited for them to dry. 

Walking into the kitchen I filled up two glasses of water for Seb and me and walked back to the other room, I looked around smiling as I saw everyone on the couches watching the movie and talking, I've never felt more at home.

"Come here," Seb called out and he walked up to me and took his glass and mine out of my hands and set them down on the table but I made sure he put a coaster under the glasses, what can I say I still mostly know my manners.

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