Chapter 29

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"Are you ready?" I pulled on my leather jacket and met Vi at the door "ya lets go."

Vi Beca and I were meeting the guys at the underground to watch Seb's fight, we walked into Becas car and drove out of town to the Underground.

I felt different about seeing Seb today, it was weird the way I felt, now I was all giggly and happy but as we got closer my stomach started to tighten and a feeling of longing took over my body, I realized it was because I missed fighting, I missed the way I felt walking into the ring ready for the fight.

Walking into the Underground brought back so many memories, memories of me being forced to fight to make any income to stay the night at the main house. It was a hard time for me but all I can remember is the way I felt walking int the ring ready to fight, it killed me, but it made me feel alive.

"Ok so Oli said there near the middle of section B." Beca pulled me from my thoughts, I looked around taking in my surroundings, I could barely breathe the tightness in my chest from before was back but only now magnified, I need air.

"I'll be back I just have to go to the washroom," "ok you know where to go?" "I'll figure it out." "We can come with you," I put my hand up and waved the off, "no guys its fine, I'll meet you at our seats," "ok sure, just be careful."

They had no idea how I used to be one of the people you had to be careful around. Making my way back to the exit I leaned against the wall letting the cool air calm my breathing.

"Faith Walker is that you?"

My eyes snapped open and I looked over and saw one of my old boxing friends "holy shit Elliot?" "In the flesh," "no fucking way. How are you?" "I'm pretty good, I just had a fight a few hours ago, what about you are you fighting?" "No, I'm just here with some people."

Elliot was one of my good friends when I lived back home, Ally didn't know him because I met him from ties with the gang "ok, well how are you after, you know?" "I'm good." The two-word answer that expressed how little I was feeling.

"Faith sorry for not reaching out I just thought that if I did you would hate me," it was understandable, when my mom died anyone who tried to talk to me I pretty much beat them up or threatened them, I was in a bad place.

"Ya it's ok I get it, I was a real bitch," "You got that right."

"So how's the new life, anyone know who you are?" Who I was, the person who I was is now buried under fake smiles and fake laughs but it was slowly getting better, I had people I could trust.

"No and I can't tell anyone." His face dropped and he gazed down at the ground, "so what's the deal that you got?" "I'm staying here for a year until I graduate and then they want me out, fully." Pity filled his eyes and I hated it, "well that's pretty shit." I hated the way he looked at me, like I was some fucking charity case, "well what can you do."

We both smiled and stood there in silence for a few minutes, "I should probably get back," "ya well it was nice seeing you, and Faith I'm sorry about everything I wish there was something I could do about your deal but after you left he was pissed off for a month straight, not talking or doing anything, we all missed you but I think he misses you the most."

"Well it's nice to see I was at least missed by someone," laughing we said our goodbyes and I headed back to meet everyone else.

"What took so long?" "Oh, I just got lost," I sat in the empty seat between Vi and Alex, TJ and Oli were on Beca and Vi's side.

"Hey." "Hey, when is he fighting?" TJ turned to me and smiled, "ten or so minutes," "what's with the smile?"

"I'm surprised you're here." TJ said with a smile on his face, "wait why?" He just shrugged and I felt my body shrink letting the seat consume me.

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