Chapter 10

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"Ok were good my dads not home yet" Seb and I stepped inside the front door and dropped our bags forgetting about the math homework that was accumulating at the bottom, 

Seb walked over to the couch and plopped his body on it, I let out a chuckling seeing his legs hang off of the couch, I walked into the kitchen grabbing some water and my math homework from my bag.

"Move your head" I sat down at one end of the couch Seb got up to get his math notes and sat down beside me turning his body so he was facing me, his green eyes followed my every move as I took a sip of water and laid out my math homework copying from his notes.

"I'm hungry" Seb called out from the floor with a pillow over his head, his shirt had risen a bit so I could see his beautiful ab muscles and a few tattoos, "go get some food from the fridge." 

He rolled over and sat up purposely knocking over my notebook, what a douchebag.

"Faith no offence but there's nothing in your fridge."

 I wasn't surprised, I barely ate when I was home and my dad ate at work so if there was food it would probably be expired at this point, "there has to be something just look harder," 

"there's only one way to look at an empty fridge," huffing I sat up and made my way over to the kitchen.

We looked in every cabinet and saw nothing even remotely close to being safe to consume. "How have you not staved in this house" I lightly chuckled and turned away so he couldn't see my facial expression, how little he knew.

"Well I can't stave before my fight" "well I'm not making you anything, you have hands, cook for yourself." He sat back down beside me with a huff of annoyance, "then we'll go out to McDonald's,"

 knowing I wanted to be out of the house before my dad got here I agreed, we got into Seb's jeep and went through the drive through at McDonald's sitting down on the tables outside.

We sat across from eachother and quietly ate, "I just realized every time w are together we are always eating" I laughed and looked at him to find out he was already looking at me, his green burning holes through mine, he truly looked like the devil, burning down in flames with the world.

"That's just because I can never handle only talking to you,"

 "really," Seb looked at me with a shocked glance, "I repulse you that much" "you don't repulse me, I sitting here with you aren't I?" 

He nodded at me with a smirk "true, but why don't you want to get to know me?" 

"Because I don't feel the need to" "you don't feel the need to, ok then hopefully I can change that" "I doubt that but if it helps you sleep at night" "trust me darling I have plenty of other things that help me sleep at night"

 "Really! Im eating, you fucker" I threw a fry at him but he caught it in his mouth showing off his jawline, he smirked at me and continued to eat as if nothing had just happened.

After we finished eating he drove us back to my house so he could rest a little more before the fight.

"What do you want to watch?" "The Office" we sat down on the couch and I turned on Netflix putting on the Office, my all time favourite show.

His arm brushed against mine as we got comfortable on the couch, my arm felt on fire where he touched me, I hated how he made me feel, I hated the way I reacted to him.

After many episodes later Seb was asleep on the couch, his head fell against my shoulder when he fell asleep and I could feel his body move against mine with every breath he took.

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