Chapter 42

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Holy shit, today was his birthday.

Sebastian's birthday was today and I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do. I did get him a gift but I don't know if he would like it, but then, on the other hand, I can't back out now because the party is tonight.

I'm not someone who overthinks but when it comes to stuff like this, out of my comfort zone I'm a total freak show.

I just want today to be perfect for him, I want to do something to make him smile because this will be his first birthday without his mom and I want him to know that I am here for him.

Alex and the boys had planned a surprise party for him tonight so for the whole day today I needed to keep Seb away from all of his friends but I wasn't too worried about that considering all he ever wanted to do was sleep on top of me.

I was getting ready to go to Seb's house, I was in my car making a quick pitstop to the diner getting his favourite breakfast order.

His gift was in the back of my car but I knew I would want to give it to him later tonight when it was just the two of us. To be honest, I was scared out of my damn mind, I didn't want to mess this up because I knew it was going to be the only birthday we will ever have together. And even the mere thought of that shook me to the core.

"Hello, young lady what can I get for you?" I opened the door of the diner hearing the bells chime as the door slowly closed making a soft shutting sound, the familiar scent of the food made me smile feeling like I was doing something nice for him.

"Just the breakfast combo with extra hashbrowns and the birthday donut and that's it." I made sure to try not to glare as he wrote down my order slowly but instead tried being polite for once and said thank you as I was handed the bag, I walked out of the diner with a stupid amount of pride in me, I was doing something nice.

It kept playing on repeat in my head but even with each passing sentence I still took a step forward feeling proud of myself.

Just don't screw it up, Faith.

Don't screw this one thing up.

I turned off my car feeling the vibrations come to a stop and the rumbling quiet down, it was around eleven in the morning so I knew he would still be asleep or at the gym but I was trying his house first. He didn't know I was coming over so if I could convince myself to get out of the car I was hoping it would be a nice surprise for him to see and the bag full of his breakfast.

I knocked on the door waiting for it to open, "Faith how nice to see you again."

Seb's dad opened the door with a smile and I looked up smiling back as he moved to the side allowing me to step inside. Under his eyes were very prominent dark circles and the worry lines on his face had not gone away, I took out the large cup of coffee I bought for him and reached my hand out handing him the coffee, I hope this was the right thing.

"Thank you, Faith," the words meant more than what they represented and I tightly smiled at him, "are you doing anything tonight for his birthday?"

He asked with concern, "yes the boys had planned a surprise party at TJ's house so I just have to keep him busy for the day until the party starts," relief flooded his face and I knew he hadn't had the time or the mental state to plan anything for his son.

"Thank you, he needs you in his life right now and I can't keep saying how grateful I am that he has you."

The words were like a safety blanket to me, it was the reassurance I needed from someone else to tell me that I was not failing at being a girlfriend, or a normal human being for that matter.

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