Asking, Planning, and Preparing

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As they strutted down the halls, the cheerleaders still ran from the vampires, Vanna walked in front of the brood, Vance, standing on her left just looked, Vincent, on her right even hissed at those who kept staring at him with his blood-red eyes, scaring away cheerleaders and zombies. "Running away, solid plan" Vincent chuckled. "You said you would play nice" Vance groaned. "You know this is how we play nice," Vanna said, as some cheerleaders walked by, Vanna's eyes flashed red and she hissed at them, making them run away.

As the bell rang, the vampires hissed in unison, and they parted different ways.

"Hey, how do you like the school?" Zed smiled as he and the rest of the group walked up to Vanna, Vance, and Vincent. "Pretty good," Vanna said, but she kept locking eyes with Willa, they weren't friends, but they weren't enemies either.

"Football tryouts?" Vance asked, looking at the poster behind Zed. "Oh, yeah, you guys should try out, by the way, Wyatt, what did you say?" Zed asked, he asked Wyatt a few weeks ago if he would try out, he said he would think of it.

"Sure, sounds like fun" Wyatt raised his eyebrows.

"How about you, Wynter? Wanna try out?" Willa asked, if there's anything Wynter was good at, it was tackling. "Nah, I love cheerleading" she explained. Bonzo turned to Eliza, who was sketching on her Z-band. "What's that?" Bonzo spoke in zombie language. "Oh, it's a new project I'm working on?"

Addison: That's our Eliza, she's always working on something, hehe.

"What's it gonna do?" Vincent asked. "It's gonna be able to teleport me anywhere in the world," Eliza said, but while most of them greeted her idea with words like great and awesome, Zed had a worried look on his face. "Isn't that dangerous?" Zed asked. "If it malfunctions or something, it could permanently sort out your Z-band, you could zombie out...forever."

"It's fine," Eliza said. "I did the math, and if I do zombie out, I'll zombie out with pride." "Okay, if you say so," Zed said, I mean, Eliza was the zombie that jail-broke her Z-band to play video games.


Mal, Urson, and the rest of the crew were walking through the Enchanted Forest, Carlos was on his vibrant red phone, connecting it to the 3-D Printer that he had in Evie's Starter Castle. "What are you trying to make this time?" Mal asked, that last thing he made with his 3-D printer was the fake wand to trick Uma. "It's a teleportation device," Carlos said with excitement. "With this, we'll be able to go anywhere in the world."

"We already can, genius" Uma rolled her eyes. "But now we can go over the world, we can go the moon! We can be the first person on the moon!" Carlos flashed a wide smile. "How would we breath?" Urson asked. "Please stop with all questions," Carlos asked, and Urson quickly looked away.

"And how long would this take?" Jane asked. "I've been working on it for a while so, if I'm lucky, a few days or hours, I just need to attach my phone to my 3-D printer" Carlos explained. "Great, another invention he'll be working all night" Jay's head dropped.


A while later, someone told Eliza to go to the Forbidden Forest after school for a surprise, but Willa, Wynter, Bonzo, Bree, and Addison went with her. She looked past the trees, she entered the Wolf Den.

"Look!" Bree smiled looking at a sign, and Zed near the sign. "What are you doing Zed?" Eliza asked. "Just keep going, he's waiting for you" Zed smiled, he clicked a button on a device he was holding and signs hung on the trees.

"Eliza!" Bree read aloud, and they read the other signs ahead of them.

"Will you..."

"Go to the Dance..."

"With?" Addison squealed. They were lead to the wolf den, and Eliza went in alone.

Eliza looked in the Wolf Den to see a sign with a finger pointed to...Wyatt. "Wyatt?" Eliza asked. "Zed told me that if I wanted to ask you, it needed to be in a special way" Wyatt smiled. As Elizamwalked towards him, he got down on one knee with a wide smile, he ran his hand through his hair.

"So Eliza...will my date to the Spring Dance?"

Eliza was speechless, all she could do was smile until she finally let out an answer.



They entered Evie's Starter Castle, walked to Evie's studio, and were greeted with an Evie surprise. "Alrighty, who's ready for party makeovers!" Evie squealed as she sat next to her sewing machine. "I guess I am" Audrey smiled. "Alright" Urson shrugged. "Girl, I don't think..." Uma started.

"That's the attitude" Evie interrupted her. "I've conducted amazing ideas for each and every one of you. Uma, I say we lose the poor unfortunate soul and go for rich fortunate soul." "That's nice" Uma used her sweetest voice. "But I say we go for Leave me the wickedly wicked way I am!" "No prob, girl" Evie started. "Audrey, I'm thinking some rich magenta ombre and irresistible black feathers" Evie held up her sketchbook, where she sketched Audrey's villain look. "I'm uh...not sure" Audrey's smile turned into a frown, she hated being reminded of her evil reign. "I know you don't like this, but trust me, we've all forgotten about that" Evie placed her hand on Audrey's shoulder.

"Go nuts, Eve" Audrey smiled. "Thanks," Evie said. "Mal, I'm thinking we embrace more of your Hades side. I'm thinking midnight blue and dark purple with blue flames" Evie held up dark blue fabric that looked like dragon scales. "Nice work, E" Mal smirked.

"Now, Urson, I wanna see what you look like in turquoise," Evie said.

Urson looked down in his outfit. "We know the answer to that, princess" Urson chuckled. "That's not turquoise, it's teal" Evie corrected him. "It looks more like a sea green," Carlos said. "I thought it was aqua," Celia said. "No, it's definitely a bluish-green" Jay laughed. "That's not a light blue?" Melody asked. "What is happening?" Urson blurted. "I know right?" Uma laughed. "It's clearly a dark teal."

"I'll get started!" Evie smiled as she grabbed fabric.

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