The Battle

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Mal and Urson were walking to their locker, they were talking about this whole Venom drama.  "You know, when I thought of venom, I would always think of venom running through your veins or something," Mal said.  "You're not the only one" Urson chuckled.

Suddenly they saw the weirdest thing, their friends, werewolves, vampires, and zombies glaring at them, but something was different, their eyes were like peppermint, red with white swirly lines.

"Uh, guys, y'all alright?"  Mal asked.  

"You can't stop him," Evie said.

"He's coming for you" Eliza stated.

"And he will stop you," Wyatt said.  And they all walked away, pushing past the 2 VKs.  

"Something's definitely up," Urson said.

"Venom got to them!"  Addison and Zed ran up to them.  

"What do you mean?"  Mal asked.  "Venom hypnotized them, and since he's a hybrid, he can hypnotize the vampires."

"Well, we know you can't be hypnotized, but how did Zed escape?"  Mal asked.  "I un-hypnotized him," Addison said.  "Venom must be at the wolf Den looking for V-crystals and Moonstone."

"We need to free our friends and stop Venom!" Addison said.  "Alright, let's go," Mal said, but Addison stood in place.

"What's wrong?" Urson asked.

"I can't be hypnotized, but I can un-hypnotize people, and the werewolves thought I was the great Alpha.  Venom is a hybrid of various creatures, linking him with them.  Could that mean I'm..."

"Trust me, Addison, your nothing like him" Zed assured her.  "Okay then, to the Wolf Den, come on, I'll un-hypnotize the groups, Zed will zombie out, and you two stop Venom."  The 4 groups of friends bumped fists.

I knew she'd have a plan

The 4 teenagers ran to the Wolf Den, but they were too late, the walls of the Secret Cave already closed, they were trapped.  "Venom!  No!" Addison shouted, but the walls were already closed.  

"Thos complicates things" Zed sighed.

"What do we do?" urson asked, but Addison had a plan, her necklace started to glow a bright pink and the rocks began to move from their spots.  "Wow!" Urson and Mal said in unison.

"Come on, let's go," Addison said.

Venom was in the secret cave, with his hypnotized vampires, zombies, werewolves, and VKs, he was even powerful enough to hypnotize Hades.  Venom took Willa's moonstone necklace and Vanna's V-crystal.  "You won't need this, your not in the light."

"Venom!  Stop!"  Addison yelled as the new group of 4 ran up to him.  Venom was quick to act and placed Zed under his control, his eyes became bloodshot red with white swirly lines.  "You too late, my time is here!"

"Let our friends go!"  Mal demanded, followed by Urson.  

"Look, I know what's it's like to be banished, and abandoned by someone, but this isn't the way to deal with it."

"We know there's good in you Venom" Addison started.  "And I'm trying to trust it, but right now, you need to trust us!"

"I can't do that!"  Venom said.  "I was abandoned by my own people!  No one here could know what that feels like!"  His eyes started to glow a brighter red.  "Since I can't Venom-tize you, I guess I'll just destroy."

The 3 remaining looked at each other nervous, the cave was too small to turn into a dragon, the dragon and sea witch had to use other powers.  "Stand back, Addy," Mal said as Venom started to float into the air, Addison ran and hid behind the giant blue V-crystal.

Venom made the first move, by shooting red bolts of energy at the VKs, who were quick to dodge.  Urson fired a blast of water and Mal let loose green bolts of magic, but Venom just dodged.

Venom tried to attack the VKs with red energy, but Mal created a green force field around them. "I am unstoppable," Venom hissed, his fang glistening.

Mal quickly dropped the first field and Urson wasted no time, he generated a turquoise energy ball and hurled it at the vampire, who was hit. "Boom!" Urson smirked.

"Bring it on!" Venom sent a huge force of purple fire Mal's way, the fire was taller and larger than Mal.  "No!"  Addison lunged her hands, suddenly, her hands began to glow blue and the fire evaporated before it could hit the VKs.  "How did I...?"  Addison question, she evaporated that fire like how the VKs would.  Could that mean...?

In Mal's hands formed a bright green ball of fire, and in Urson's hands was a teal ball of water.  The two combined their powers making a teal and green energy ball which they hurled towards Venom. This time, the vampire was hit and it blew him to the ground, hitting one of the crystals.

"It's over Venom," Mal said.

"Wake up everyone!" Addison said.  The VKs, werewolves, zombies, and vampires slowly returned to normal.  The red with white swirly lines faded from their eyes, they all looked like they were slowly coming out of a haze.  "Lok out!"  Evie said.

"Wow, guys, I just had the craziest dream" Wynter started rambling.  "Venom was back and we were all  hypnotized and...whoa"

They walked behind Mal, Urson, and Addison, who were facing a defeated Venom.  "you need to stop, why are you doing this anyway?"  Urson asked him.

"Cause you don't know what I've been through!"  He let out an outburst.  "You don't know what it's like to be abandoned by the ones you could trust, and not have a place to belong.  You just couldn't.  I'm all alone"

They stood there for a while, processing everything he just said, but Addison was the first to step up.

"You're not alone.  I know what it's like to question who you are and where you belong and I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

"Don't trust him, Addison!"  Wynter said.

"He hypnotized all of us!"  Jay stated.

"I don't trust him yet!"

"But we should help him" Ben spoke up.  "He just  wants to belong and I wanna be the kind of person to help him."

"We got your back Ben" Urson started.  "I may not trust you people, but I do trust you" He placed his hands on Ben's shoulder, receiving a smile from Ben.

Suddenly, Lacey, one of the Acey's barged into the secret cave with a worried look.

"What's wrong?"  Addison asked her.

"Your dad and Zed's dad, they're arresting the vampires."


"Because of Venom, they're saying the vampires are too dangerous!"

"We have to save them!"  Vanna said with great concern, she's not losing her family again.

Addison walked up to Venom and put her hand out, making him look out at her.

"Are you in?"

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