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Addison, Bree, Zed, and the other zombies and werewolves walked up to the VKs, they looked like they were in an argument. 

"Hey guys, you okay?"

Before they could answer, the ground began to shake.  "EARTHQUAKE!!"  Wyatt shouted.  Suddenly, Mal's crystal, and Urson and Addison's Moonstone began to glow.  Everyone but them fell to the ground, somehow they were able to keep their balance.  They all grabbed hands, and suddenly there was a bright blue flash, but no one practically noticed it.

Suddenly the quaking stop.  Urson, Mal, and Addison helped everyone up.  "Is everyone okay?"

"THEY caused that Earthquake!"  Willa pointed at Mal and Urson.  "What!  No, we didn't!  If anything, you guys caused that!"  Urson shouted right back.  

"Whoa, guys, guys, calm down!  Were all on the same team!"  Addison got in the middle of them.  "Let's not forget why we came here"

"Right,"  Eliza started.  "Audrey, we have to go, the Cheer-off is starting soon."

"Yeah, nice work on the flyers, Eliza"  Audrey smiled.  The flyers had a picture of Audrey that said  Cheer for everyone.  "It was a team effort"  Eliza fist-bumped Carlos.  "Our next team effort is to make another device, maybe after the Spring Dance."

"I totally forgot about that"  Zed said as they continued to walk.  "And since you guys are here, you can come with."

"Well, at least we'll have a celebration" Mal shrugged.

They entered the gym, where the cheer-off took place.  Everyone started looking at Audrey, with scared looks on their faces.

"Wow"  Eliza gasped, Audrey looked where she was looking and gasped as well, now she knew why everyone was staring at her.

The posters.  The posters Bucky made.  It was her, but as the Queen of Mean.  The dark pink hair, the feathers, even the Scepter.

"Bucky made me look..."


Audrey was a little hurt that Bucky would stoop that low, but she couldn't let that stop her, so she kept her chin held high and walked up to the stage.

Principal Lee walked up to the stage, holding a microphone.  "Welcome to the Seabrook cheer off!"

A thunder of applause ran through the gym.

"On my right we have..."  she started, but then the Acey's jumped up and snatched the microphone.

"Wearing his might Shrimp uniform!"

"School president of Seabrook High!

"And captain of our hearts!"


Bucky ran up to the stage, wearing the kinda cloak you would wear in wrestling.  He slowly removed his green hood and the Acey's took off his jacket.

"Alright, and next we have, okay" the microphone was passed back to the principal but then stolen from Uma, Jane, and Eliza.

"Our rockin' pink princess!"

"The Queen of Cheer!"

"And fierce warrior!"


Audrey ran up tothe stage, but she was just herself.  She didn't need a green cloak, or an gang, she was just her strong, independent self.  "She will cheer for you, literally"  Eliza smirked.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Jay shouted, and Bonzo started the music.

Audrey vs Bucky

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