Making Peace in Seabrook

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The next day, Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bree, Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, Vanna, Vance, and Vincent were outside the school, hanging the shade. "So, what do you guys think about Mal, Urson, and the others?" Eliza asked. "I don't know, something about them feels different" Willa mumbled. "For the first time, I agree with you" Vanna sighed.

"What's wrong with different?" Addison asked, but she just got glares from everyone. "a dragon, Addison" Zed said. "A purple dragon is what's wrong with different." Addison just giggled. "Well, I think they're just here until they can get back home, so I'm gonna make them feel welcome."

"Anyway, I'm so excited for the dance, there's gonna be ballons, dance-offs, and the announcement of the Spring King and Queen!" Bree squealed. "It's gonna be so cool! We're gonna rock! We're gonna crush it! Yes!" Wynter cheered, receiving looks from Willa and Wyatt. "Too much?" She asked. "Oh, Wynter," Willa sigh and chuckled.

"Hey, guys!"

Zoey, Zed's little sister, ran up to the group, pulling at her two green braids, along with her other friend, Wanda, a werewolf, same age as Zoey. "Zoey, what are you doing here?" Zed asked. "We heard there was a purple dragon and new people with magic, you think we're gonna miss that?" She giggled. "Is it here?" Wanda.

"Well, actually, it's not a dragon, it's just a teenage girl who can turn into a dragon" Addison explained. "That's even better!" Zoey giggled. "They should be inside, come on, we'll show you" Eliza laughed.

Mal, Urson, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Audrey Ben, Melody, Jane, and Doug strutted down the halls. Evie found an old sewing machine and fabric, and now they have new clothes. "We have to get back to Auradon," Mal said, wearing a violet shirt, purple leather jacket with a blue patch on the left side, blue ripped acid wash pants, and purple high tops with green laces. "Well, until then, we're stuck here" Urson sighed, wearing a black netted shirt, a sleeveless teal leather jacket, turquoise patchwork jeans with black, aqua, gold, and brown splattered paint, dark brown boots, and two fingerless, leather black gloves. "We have a party to plan" Eve groaned, wearing. "This is all my fault" Carlos head fell, wearing a black and white leather jacket with small hints of red, a black and white acid wash T-shirt, fingerless gloves, black and with hints of red, a black cuff link on both hands, paw-printed bracelets, black and white pants with red splattered and red leather hightops.  "Sont expect us to disagree" Uma smirked, wearing a silver clear fish-scale like a shirt with dark purple sleeves, She also rocks a sleeveless teal leather jacket, two brown and black belts, turquoise acid wash jeans with frilly tassels skirt, light aqua boots, and two fingerless, leather black gloves.

Zed, Addison, and the rest stopped behind them. "How are you guys gonna try and win prom king?" Willa asked. "I don't care about queen, I already know that Addison's gonna win."

"and don't forget you have to go against Bucky, and this thing is a popularity contest, and Bucky is so popular" Bree started to ramble. "I don't care about a dumb crown" Wyatt scoffed, he was already Eliza's date, what else does he want?

"Well, I wanna wipe that smile off Bucky's face" Zed started.

"Well, if you want to, the VKs are key to winning Spring King," Eliza said. "VKs?" Zed asked. "Carlos told me, he said it means Villain kids" Eliza explained.

"Well, your right" Zed started. "Bucky has cheerleaders, I have zombies, we don't know who werewolves will vote for, it's up to the VKs" Zed looked at the VKs, they were standing in the halls. Zombies and cheerleaders were scattering from them. "Something tells me that winning them over is gonna be rough," Vincent said. "No, we got his" Zed said. "We just gotta teach them how to be more like us. Easy."

As the bell rang, the VKs walked to class.

Urson and Carlos were walking down the halls. Urson started to look around. "What's wrong?" Carlos asked. "I feel like someone's watching us," Urson said.  

He quickly turned around and saw a werewolf reading a book upside down.  "Uhh, it's Wyatt, right?" Urson asked.  "Yeah, Wyatt spoke from the book.  "Your books upsidedown," Urson said as he turned Wyatt's book right side up.  The two boys slightly chuckled before Urson walked off with Carlos.  "Okay, that was a little weird" Urson whispered.  "Ya think?"

Bucky and Zed were sitting at a table, talking about the Spring Dance.  "How should I ask her?"  Zed asked.  "Well, Addison is a simple girl, she doesn't want a whole parade, just find a creative way, she'll love anything" Bucky shrugged.  

Just then, Harry, Gil Urson walked by and slammed a book on a desk, making both the zombie and cheerleader jump.  It was a book, Peter Pan.  "Lies"  Harry declared.  "This book claims that my father was a greedy tyrant who hated Peter Pan, but he struck first and cut off my father's hand and fed it to Tick-Tock!"

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen the movie, I didn't know," Zed said.  "There's a lot you probably don't know" Hary glared at him before walking off.  "I know the alarm will go off if you don't put that book back!" Zed scoffed, but Harry had other plans.  He took off his hook and threw it at the alarm, making it spark and die down.  He grabbed it again before walking away.  "He's not the most gentle person when he's angry" Urson warned them before trying to catch up with Harry.  "Still think you can make them fit in?" Bucky asked, tilting his head.  "Please, we got zombies, werewolves, vampires, they won't be so hard" Zed chuckled as they both walked off.

Mal, Evie, Audrey, and Uma were walking down the halls.  "What's wrong, M?"  Evie asked.  "I just don't wanna be too far away from Auradon, without us, people could try and take over" Mal sighed.  "Chill out girl, Aurdon will be fine," Uma said.  "Yeah, the baddest thing that could happen is someone uses magic to bring back Maleficent and rain fire all over Auraodn and the Isle, placing everyone in a 100-year sleep" Audrey laughed, wearing a pink lace top with a dark pink leather jacket, an open pink duster with black acid wash, pink leggings with dark pink sneakers with a picture of a black dove on them, pink fingerless leather gloves, one pink and one black, but she received glares from everyone.  "Not that that would happen!"  She quickly corrected herself.

"Uh, Mal" Uma started.  "That bat has been following you for a while" she looked at the vampire who was hovering over Mal.  Surrounded by purple electricity, the bat transformed back into Vanna.  "Sorry, but I have to know, how did you turn into a dragon?"  Vanna asked, forcing a smile.  "Oh, um" Mal started, it was a little weird that Vanna was watching her, actually, all the vampires were watching her, but she did explain.

Addison and Willa were talking in the Hallway.  "I'm sorry, but I still think something is up about them," Willa said. "That's what you thought about Vanna" Addison giggled.  "And I was right!" Willa exclaimed.  Before Addison could make a remark, Uma and Audrey walked by.  "Hey, how'd you guys enjoy the school?"  Addison asked.  "It's really cool!" Audrey smiled.  Willa tilted her head and stared at Uma.  "Addison, right?" Uma asked.  "Your dog is glaring at us."

Willa started to growl at Uma, but Uma growled right back.  The two stared into the eyes of each other, both dark brown, fierce, ready to bring it.  "Ya know, you two would make great friends!"  Addison broke the stares.  "Hmm" Uma and Willa shrugged.  "It might take a while, Uma's not the kinda girl to warm up to people so easily" Audrey laughed.  "Neither is Willa!" Addison said.

The two girls continued to glare at each other, Uma and Willa, a likely pair?

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