Chillin' Like The Zombies Do

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The VKs were hanging in Zombietown, they were looking at Carlos, who was trying to make his teleportation device work.  "Carlos, it's fried," Jane said.  "Well, I don't know what I can do now" Carlos groaned.  "Maybe you can get some help" Ben suggested.  "Yeah, there has to be someone here who's as smart and intelligent as you and Jane," Urson said. 

"What about the other girl who created a teleportation device?" Melody asked.  "Eliza?"  Carlos asked.  "Huh, I didn't think about that,"

Addison, Bree, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, Vanna, Vance, Vincent, Zoey, and Wanda were watching the VKs.  "Okay, we win the VKs votes, win Spring King and Queen, easy" Zed nudged Addison.  "I'm still not so sure," Addison said, but they didn't listen.  They approached the VKs

"Hello, VKs," Zed lunged his hand out.  "I'm Zed.  Zombie.  Hopefully Spring King."

The VKs started at his hand until Ben shook it.  "Nice to meet you, Zed, I'm Ben" he smiled.  "I'm Jane" she smiled.  "Doug" he nodded his head.  "We met" Mal smiled.  "Yeah, when your werewolves and vampires attacked us" Urson flashed a fake smile, receiving a nudge from Melody.  

"So...your...zombies?"  Audrey asked.  "And werewolves?"  Urson questioned.  "And vampires?"  Mal finished.

"Well, we fierce werewolves have been around forever," Wynter said.  "So have vampires," Vanna said.  "And a little lime soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook Energy and BOOM!  Zombies" Zed jumped at Mal, making her flinch.  In return, Mal's eyes flashed the same zombie green making Zed jump back.

"So, what's that island you were talking about?"  Addison asked, and Mal started explaining.  "Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends.  Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon.  He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there, that's the island. That is our hood.  There used to be no magic.  No wi-fi.  No way out.  Or so we thought."

"Like Zombietown," Eliza said.  "So what happened?"  Wyatt asked.  "We happened," Evie said and Urson continued.  "Me, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were chosen to come to Auradoon.  Long story short, Mal turned her mom into a lizard, I dealt with my twin drama, we stopped an evil princess and now we brought down the barrier separating the Isle and Auradon."

"Wow!" Bree said.  "Sweet town" Jane looked around.  "We, we've kinda been separated from the cause...people thought we were zombie-zombies" Zed laughed.  "So, what stopped the separation" Mal asked.  "I used to wear a wig" Addison pulled at her long white hair.  "I'm the only one here in Seabrook with white hair, it made me stand out, and people in Seabrook used to hate everything different, I felt like a freak."

"But being different is what makes us unique" Celia said, she showed Addison a card, a was a picture of a girl with white hair and on the top, it said different.  "Woah, how did you do that?" Zoey asked, Wanda, hanging next to her.  "Celia's cards can tell the past, present, and future" Dizzy smiled, the three girls started walking away.

"So, what convinced you to let it show?"  Doug asked.  "I met Zed" Addison wrapped her hands around Zed's arm.  "We met and we made a difference in Seabrook."

"Well, trust me, white hair is pretty cool" Carlos chuckled.

"So, Urson" Willa stared.  "You said you had that necklace since...forever."  "Uh, yeah, why?"  Urson asked.  "No reason" Willa silently growled.  "Sorry, about my sister, she's not the biggest fan of new people," Wyatt said.  "I have a sister like that too" Urson pointed at his sister, laughing.

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