Call To The Wild!

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The VKs, AKs, and Hades were hanging in the woods, it was where they stayed. They were offered a spot in other people's room, but they declined, it felt kinda weird, but it wouldn't be their first time sleeping on uncomfortable territory, they grew up on the Isle of the lost, now it might be a little harder for Ben, Doug, Jane, Audrey and Melody, they grew up luxurious and comfortable beds.

"We should've taken up the offers" Melody sighed, laying on Urson's lap. "Yeah, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Jane said. "With Venom still out there, he could pop out at any moment."

"And I'll fry him to a crisp" Mal smirked.

"Shut up," Uma said.

"Uma, we talked about telling people to shut if, they have to say something stupid first" Urson groaned, but Uma had a serious look on her face, suddenly, they heard the sound of scratching, they covered their ears as the sound got louder.

"Your animal friends?" Hades asked.

Melody's head jumped off Urson as he gets up to head into the woods to find out what that sound was, the last thing he heard was Carlos cries to be careful.

As he ventured in, he gasped when he saw claw marks on the tree. Feeling someone's presence behind him, he jumped around, his eyes glowing turquoise and his necklace glowing blue. He looked to see the werewolves glaring at him.

"Come with us" Willa demanded, making Urson confused.

"What's so important?"

"You are" Wyatt raised his eyebrows.

Urson felt surprised, but he felt like this was important.

Zed, Eliza and Bonzo, Addison, and Bree were in Zombietown, talking to Vanna, Vance, and Vincent. "So, Mal was brought here to save the world?" Zed asked. "What does that make her,part-vampire?"

"No, maybe, I don't know, she just has her vampires powers as long as she has her V-crystal" Vanna explained. "What about Urson?" Addison asked. "Urson is the werewolves problem," Vincent said.

"Guys!" The VKs, AKs, and surprisingly Hades came running into zombietown. "And now the VKs are our problem" Vance chuckled and nudged his little brother, who snickered as well.

"What's wrong?" Bree asked and Evie started to explain.

"We thought we heard a loud scratching sound in the woods, Urson went to go see what it is, and he never came back."

"We think Venom got to him" Melody started to panic.

"Okay, let me see your phone," Eliza said and Carlos handed her his black and white phone. "If his phone is on, I can track him" As she found Urson's location, she let out a small sigh of relief. "He's in the forbidden forest."

"Okay, with any luck, the wolves just took him," Zed said. "Well, come on," Vincent said and the group ran out of zombietown.

Deep in the mouth of the forest, the wolves led Urson somewhere, but they didn't say where leaving Urson more confused than he already is.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a wolf secret, if we told you, we'd have to kill you!" Wynter sighed. Wyatt raised his eyebrows at Wynter's comment, thinking that she made Urson more nervous than he already is.

"I'M SORRY, TOO MUCH, BAD WYNTER, WELCOME!!!" Wynter corrected herself with a big burst of energy, making Willa roll her eyes. "BUT NOT TOO WELCOMED!!: Wynter snarled at the Sea Witch. Suddenly, Urson started coughing again, sitting on a log, his moonstone started glowing green and his eyes glowed turquoise. This coughing state didn't last as long as the other times, but it still hurts.

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