We Own The Night Falls

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The VKs held their swords tightly in their hands.  The apparent werewolves and vampires growled at them, showing off their sharpened claws.  "Who are you?"  The lead werewolf asked, her eyes glowing like a demon.  "Who are we?  The question who are you?"  Uma stood up, flipping her hair around.  "Can't we talk this out?" a girl with hair the same color as Carlos asked, but no one listened. 

"Wolves"  the lead werewolf called.  "On my command"  the werewolves quickly snared at the VKs, who jumped back.  "On my command?"  Mal questioned.  What was the werewolf talking about on her command?  Who talks like that.  "Guys!"  The white haired girl asked again, but still, no one listened.

Zed looked at Eliza, her Z-band was still malfunctioning.  "Are you okay?"  He asked, Eliza's black veins were showing, she began to growl.  "I'm okay"  she assured him.  "Maybe we can help the wolves,"  she asked, but Zed disagreed.  "No, the werewolves and vampires got this, let's protect them."

The werewolves and vampires still snared, and the VKs were ready to fight.  "Let's do this!"  Mal declared, and that's when the swords started swinging.

(The VKs) Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

(Mal) Swords in the air

If you're with me

They got us outnumbered 1-50

(Uma) But I know the best way, fall back, let me lead

You hold the line and we'll bring them to their knees

(Willa) No-no one's catching me unless I wanna be caught

I'm dancing in the shadows, ain't no leash when I walk

(Vanna) It's great to feel invincible, it's great to feel alive

My appetite's insatiable, there's nowhere it can hide

(Mal) This is my crew

(Uma) This is my squad

(Mal) This is my turf (Werewolves and Vampires: We're wolves)

We own the night

(Evie) Until the night falls


Until the night falls

(Werewolves and Vampires) We own the night

Oh, we own what we own

Oh, we own the night

Oh, we own what we own

We own the night

The only thing that is worse

Than our bark's our bite

Oh, we own what we own

We own the night

(the VKs) Watch your back

Watch your back

Watch your back

(Uma) All my soldiers stand at the ready

We can cut 'em up like confetti

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