The Bonding

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Mal, Addison, and Vanna were walking down the hall, Mal was explaining everything she'd been through.  "Wow!  I couldn't imagine having a mother like that!" Addison shivered, having the Mistress of evil as a mom?  Tough Mal.

"I can," Vanna said.  Mal and Addison exchanged looks, which made Vanna confused.  "What?  I've been alive for 1012 years, I can literally imagine it."

"So, about your hair?"  Mal asked touching a streak of Addison's Elsa-like hair.  "What do you mean by you had to hide it?"  Addison started explaining.

"Well, I was born with it, doctors couldn't explain it.  I thought at first it made me a freak, but then I thought it made me a werewolf cause of this weird legend, and now...I'm not sure what it makes me"

Mal and Vanna looked at each other, they could hear the disappointment and sadness in that sentence.  "Well, your hair makes you special" Mal said.  "It makes you unique, and if it makes you feel better, everyone on the Isle of the Lost has different hair color."

"Really?"  Addison asked, she admired Mal's purple hair with blue highlights, but was everyone on the Isle like that.  "Yeah" Mal started.  "Urson and Uma have teal hair, Evie has blue, Carlos has white, Dizzy has multicolored, everyone has their own sense of style."

Urson was walking through the woods, why would he come here?  Out of all places?  Something just told him to come here, maybe...somehow he was drawn here.  

As he walked down a hill and passed the trees, he felt like something was watching him.  Someone was watching him.  He stopped in his tracks, he thought he saw something at the corner of his eye.  He bent down and grabbed a pointy stick, then continued walking.  

As soon as he heard a twig snap, he quickly turned around and the stick at a tree, missing the person he meant to hit. 

"Hey, watch it!"

"Wyatt!" Urson gasped.  "Sorry, but why are you following me?" He walked up to the werewolf.  "Well, me and my pack kinda hang out here.  Why are you here?  This is the Forbidden Forest?"

"Oh, ya know, just, exploring" Urson lied.  "Well, let me show you around," Wyatt said.  "So, what's that island like?" He asked.

"The Isle of the Lost?  Well, it's a small island, but there's a lot of places to go and do.  We kinda made the most of it growing up, and it wasn't easy without parents."

"So your mom is an evil sea witch with  6 tentacles?" Wyatt laughed.  "Yeah" Urson chuckled.

"Well, what about your dad?  Who's he?"  Wyatt asked.  A wave of darkness wiped off Urson's smile and his head fell down, it's like his whole mood shifted.  "You okay?" Wyatt asked, placing his hand on Urson's shoulder.  "Uh, yeah" Urson shook his head, forcing a smile on his face.  "My dad's just...not around anymore."

"Oh, I'm s-sorry" Wyatt stuttered.  "N-no, it, um, it's f-fine" Urson said, trying not to burst into tears.  Why was he gonna cry about this?  So his father abandoned him when he was a baby, left him on his mother's doorsteps, who cares?  He was just fine without him.  

"You know what makes me feel better when I'm down?" Wyatt said, Urson raised his eyebrow.

"Howling" before Urson could respond to that, Wyatt let out a big howl, it practically shook the trees.

"Woah!" Urson chuckled.  "Come on, try it, all wolves do it."  "But I'm not a wolf," Urosn said.  Wyatt just raised his eyebrows, Urson gave him a confused look, he's not a werewolf...right?

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