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Venom stood in front of the crowd, hissing, making them back up.  "I told you!  I knew it!  I was right!  I'm the best!  YES!!"  Wynter is cheering, receiving glares from Willa and Wyatt.  "Too much?"  Both of the werewolves nodded.  "Also, not the right time!" Willa rolled her eyes at her friends.

"Who's that? Doug asked.  (I totally forgot that Doug and Jane were part of the story)  "I'mVenom, and by the way, I vote for the pink princess"  he pointed t Audrey, referring to their cheer-off.  "Oh, thank you" Audrey smiled while Bucky just scoffed.

"There was a prophecy about this vampire coming back one day and bring harm and destruction to the world" Wyatt explained.  "Great, we're in another world and now we have to deal with life-threatening danger" Uma rolled her eyes.

"I'm not just a vampire, I'm a hybrid, a hybrid of a vampire, a demi-god, and a werewolf.  Years ago, I was banned and punished, just for reaching my full potential, they stole my moonstone and my V-crystal.  I'm here to get them back, and I will not let a sea witch, a dragon, and some girl, get in the way of that!!"  Venom's eyes started to glow red and he let out a wave of energy before vanishing.

"What was that?"  Zed asked.  Bonzo said something in zombie tongue, leaving the VKs confused.  "He said something not good" Bree translated.  


Urson fell to the ground, once again coughing uncontrollably.  This time, his necklace was glowing green and his eyes were glowing yellow.  Carlos lowered himself to Urson's level, wrapping his arm around him.  "Hey, hey!  Calm down, it's okay!" 

Mal was next to fall down, unable to control her coughing, but while her necklace glowed green, her eyes glew the same red color as the vampires.  Evie followed Carlos lead, wrapping her arm around Mal. "M!  M, relax, you'll be alright!"

The last to fall was Addison, her necklace glowed green, and her eyes glew a bright blue, she just coughed.  Zed fell next to her helping her up.  "Calm down, just breathe, alright, breathe!"

The 3 teenagers coughed confusedly, to the point where small flecks of blood were jumping out, and they couldn't stop it.

After a while, the coughing stopped, their necklaces stopped glowing and their eyes fell back to normal states.  "What was that?"  Vincent asked.  


"He must've done that to you guys" Vanna explained.

"But why us?"  Addison asked.  "And why did he say me, Urson and a girl would stop him?"  Mal asked.  "That dies seme specific," Urson said as the three of them slowly stood back up, a little woozy from the coughing and weak feeling.

"Well, obviously a dragon and a sea witch who can morph into different creatures stand in the way of global domination" Eliza shrugged.  "But why me?"  Addison asked, getting confused looks from everyone.  "Guys, he wouldn't have attacked me unless I'm the girl he was talking about, how do I stand in the way?"

The crew was silent for a minute until Vanna finally spoke up.

"Because your the only one we know who's immune to vampire hypnotism."

"And you're able to un-hypnotize" Eliza chirped in.

"So that must make you an insane threat," Celia said.

"Well, he's gonna come back," Carlos said.

"Is this a normal thing where you guys come from?"  Bonzo asked.


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