Break This For All

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Addison:  Well, it's finally here.  The Spring Dance, Zed said he'll meet me there so, I'll be heading with Bree, can't wait!

The VKs, AKs, and Hades were hanging in the Wolf Den.  Suddenly, Carlos, Eliza, Bonzi, and Zed came running in with huge grins on their faces.  "Guys!  Great news!"  Carlos smiled.  

"We made another teleportation device!"

The VKs and Werewolves eyes widened at the news, which means they can go home.  "I can't believe that!  Carlos this is amazing!"  Jane smiled, and Carlos gave her a giant hug, lifting her off the ground.  The group began to cheer.

"That means we can go home tonight!"  Mal cheered.  "Yeah, we really should say goodbye to everyone though" Evie smiled.

"Wait!"  Zed said.  "Who said you have to leave tonight?"  His question confused the VKs and the rest.  But Zed was right, they didn't have to leave tonight, they can leave anytime they want, they could stay for a couple more weeks.

"There's an event happening at school, I think you guys should come."

At Seabrook High, the students were enjoying their Spring Dance, but Addison and Bree couldn't, at least not yet, they were still waiting for their dates.

"Addison, Bree!"

The girls looked behind them to see Vanna, Venom, Vicent, and Vance.  Vanna was wearing a purple top with a purple and red skirt, a couple of bracelets too.  The boys were wearing purple and red tuxes with a couple of bracelets and rings. 

"You guys look amazing!"  Vanna admired Addison and Bree's long and [ratically regal pink and blue dresses.  "Thank you, you look amazing, too"  Addison smiled.

"Look!"  They heard Bucky say, they looked behind them and saw the VKs, werewolves, and zombies strutting into the decorated gym, looking like kings and queens.

"Bonzo!"  Bree shouted with glee.  Bonzo ran up to him, wearing a green tux with multiple patches and tears.  HE began to speak in zombie tongue and Bree formed a huge grin.  "Yes, I'll go to the spring dance with you!"

Wyatt, wearing a yellow buttoned-up shirt, black suit with a fur collar jumped in front of Eliza with a huge grin.  "So, what first?"  Wyatt asked, holding his hand out.  "Whatever comes" Eliza took his hand, wearing a beautiful green and red dress with long red fingerless gloves.

Zed walked up to Addison, wearing the same thing as Bonzo, but his suit was red.  "M'lady" he smiled, taking her hands.  "Hey" she smiled.  "I see you guys made it."

The VKs walked up right behind the couple with Willa, who was wearing a purple dress with a black corset.  "Yeah, we decided that we'll stay for the dance then leave later" Mal smiled, wearing a violet dress, elbow-length fingerless gloves, and gold shoes, holding her true love, who was wearing a charming three-piece suit and tie.

Urson wore a teal and aqua green jacket with gold embroidery, turquoise pants, and brown hightops, with his fingerless gloves, all adorned with little sea trinkets, holding in his arms Melody, who was in a beautiful oceanic pink dress, arm-length gloves, and red heels.

Evie wore a midnight-blue gown and gold tiara, she looked at Doug, who as always wore a mint-green suit and purple shirt.

Jay wore a dark red shirt, sport coat with gold embroidery, and black pants.

Carlos wore a black-and-white paisley jacket and skinny-cut black pants and held hands with Jane, who were a cornflower lace midi dress and her Jarlos-necklace.

Celia wore an orange dress with a black jacket and mini hat, standing next to he best friend, who was dressed in a black-and-moss frock.

Audrey wore a beaded pink off-the-shoulder dress and her demure bluebird necklace, hold Harry's arm.

And Uma wore a turquoise sweetheart-necked bodice that went perfectly with her mother's shell necklace that she got back, elbow-length gloves, gold combat boots.

"Well, come on, let's enjoy all of what we can!"  Addison smiled.

This is how Seabrook and Auradon were alike, they will always accept the differences in the world, break down the walls once and for all.

(This is gonna take a while so I'm just gonna move past the lyrics)

It was a while after the dance, the VKs were about to head back to Auradon, and the cheerleaders, zombies, werewolves, and vampires came to say goodbye.

"It was great knowing you all" Addison gave Mal a big hug.  "And thanks for helping me" Venom mumbled, and the crew gave him smiles.

"Maybe this doesn't have to be goodbye just yet" Evie smirked.  "What do you mean?"  Eliza asked.  

"Why don't you guys come to see Auradon?  We can show you around and bring you back whenever you want."

"Of course, that would be awesome!"  Addison smiled, and the others agreed.  Carlos and Eliza quickly opened a giant blue portal and they walked through, this was gonna be wickedly fun.

Addison was the last to walk in, she didn't notice, neither did anyone else, but her hair started to glow a bright blue.

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