You Do You

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It was another day stuck in Seabrook, not that the VKs were complaining. They loved the town, it reminded them of Auradon and the Isle and everyone was friendly, but maybe some of them are being too friendly.

Urson was walking down the halls, but he couldn't help but notice some of the werewolves were watching, glaring, and side-eyeing him. The stares from the creatures were making him feel uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that his eyes started glowing turquoise.

Urson could feel the turquise energy burning his eyes, like that feeling when you're about to cry. He tried to get himself to stop, but he couldn't, it was like something else was controlling him. He suddenly didn't feel too good, so he rushed to the bathroom.

He dropped his stuff and looked at himself in the mirror. Not only were his eyes glowing turquoise, but his moonstone necklace started glowing a distressed green. He felt terrible, he started coughing. He couldn't stop. He just felt so bad. His hand pressed against his necklace as he slowly fell to the ground.

Jay walked and almost gasped at how he saw Urson. "Urson!" He shook, dropped all his stuff, and helped up the still coughing Urson. As the boys look into each other's eyes, Urson's eyes returned to their normal brown state, the energy in his necklace died down and he stopped coughing.

"What happened?" Jay asked.

"I don't know" Urson's head fell down.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know."

Mal was walking down the halls, some of the vampires were watching her, she was not getting the best vibes from them, more like a creepy, scry, were about to do something bad to your vibes. Why were they staring at her? Did she do something to them? Or did they just not like her? She thought that she was getting along pretty with them.

Mal was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Audrey was right in front of her, and she bumped right into her.

"Woah, Mal, you okay?" Audrey asked, Mal seemed off. S\Before Mal could answer, her eyes started flickering green in and out, and her V-crystal started glowing purple. She started coughing incontrollably. She slowly crumbled to the ground, her hand pressing on her V-crystal.

"Mal! What's wrong?!?!" Audrey dropped to the ground and helped Mal. "Are you okay?!?! Mal, say something!?!?"

After a few seconds, Mal stopped coughing, her eyes stopped flickering and her necklace stopped glowing. Without thinking, Mal slowly wrapped her arms around Audrey, and Audrey quickly hugged her back. Both girls weren't sure of what just happened to her, but it sure was scary for a minute.

"What just happened?" Audrey asked.

"I don't know."

"Come on" Audrey wrapped Mal's hand around her and helped her walk.

After a few classes, the VKs talked about what happened to Mal and Urson. They say that nothing like that has ever happened to them, and they wonder how it could've maybe. Jane thought their magic was just adjusting to Seabrook, Carlos suggested that their powers accidentally somehow merged with the werewolf and vampire energy.

In the corner, under a tree, Celia was playing with her cards. Her friends on the other side were acting up since they came to Seabrook, something about Mal and Urson being in danger.

She picked up 3 of her cards, which tell her the past, the present and the future. As she says, the cards will tell.

The first was a picture of a vampire, named Venom, in the background of the card, it was blacl magic. She didn't know Seabrook even had that kind of magic.

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