Trying Out

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The Football coach stood in front of the football game, and those who wanted to try out for the football team.

He looked at the new recruits, Wyatt, Vance, and Vincent.  "Alright, is this everyone who wants to try out?"  He asked as he turned to Zed, who just shrugged.  Where was Jay?  Urson?  Carlos?  Harry?  Gil?

"Look!"  Vance said.  Jay, Urson, Carlos, Harry, and Gil ran up.  "We wanna try out!"  The boys said.

"Ahh, the VKs from another world"  Coach walked up to the boys, basically inspecting them.  "Do you guys have football where you come from?"  The boys looked at each other confused, but Jay was the one who gave the Coach his answer.  "No, but we have Tourney" Jay smirked.

The Coach took a while to think about.  If they didn't have football, they shouldn't try out, but then again, they could use the extra strength.  "Alright, show us what you can do."

The boys looked at each other and bumped fists, time to bring the VK way to Seabrook.

Evie was in Addison's room with Addison, Bree, Eliza, Zoey, Willa, Wynter, and Vanna, along with Mal, Uma, Audrey, Melody, Jane, Celia, and Dizzy.  "Alright, what are we doing here?"  Wynter asked.  

"well, as some of you know, I have my own Fashion Line called Evie's 4 Hearts"

"I did not know"  Willa tilted her head and crossed her arms.  "Probably cause she didn't care" Uma smirked.  "Go on, E"  Mal said.

"Well, seeing as we're in Seabrook and I found all this fabric and a sewing machine, I figured I could make some outfits for Seabrook until we can go home, and I wanted to test it out on Addison, Bree, Willa, Wynter, and Vanna.  Do you guys think I could?"

The cheerleaders, zombies, werewolves, and vampires look at each other, thinking of the answer to give the blueberry princess.  After talking about it for a while, they finally give her an answer.

"Sure, but please make sure it's our style."

Evie squealed a little before grabbing some black fabric with a crafty smirk on her face.

"Let's get started."

It was time for the boys to try out.  Urson, Wyatt, Jay, Vance, Carlos, Vincent, Harry, and Gil.  "You boys ready?"  Coach asked.  "Yep!"  They shouted.  "Okay, let's go!"

The boys each gave each other one look, the vampires, Wyatt's, and Urson's eyes started glowing.

(Yeah, I'm not about to explain what happened and how they won, so I'm just gonna tell you if they made it or not)

The game was finished, and the boys were in line, Coach was about to say if they all made the team or not.  

"Now, as you all know, the football team got so much better when the zombies came into the picture, and now with some werewolves, vampires, and these VKs from a different world, maybe we can be even better.  So, werewolf, vampires, dog, pirate, pirate #1, sea witch, snake.  You all made the team, congratulations!"

The boys cheered and pumped their fists together.  "Just so it's clear, we're only on the team until we can get back home,"  Carlos said.  "Sure, yeah, whatever."

"So what do think?"  Evie asked, she just finished the girls outfits.  "You totally outdid yourself!"  Uma smiled.  "That is sweet!" Mal chuckled.  

Addison was wearing a pink outfit with the top being translucent with swirls, resembling Sleeping Beauty's iconic pink top with white sleeves.  A white open skirt, dark pink tights, and white shoes, matched with white fingerless gloves.  "Evie, this is beautiful!"

Bree was wearing a light pink shirt paired with a rose and silver leather jacket, a rose gold printed leather skirt with silver leggings and black combat boots, and of course pink fingerless gloves.  "I love it.  It's so cool, I bet this is how all the VKs dress in back on the Isle, right?"

Eliza was wearing a scarlet dress with a grey jacket with gold lining and buttons with red and green spikes, fading black tights, black and white boots, not to mention black fingerless gloves.  "Pretty good, Evie."

Zoey was wearing ripped grey jeans with colorful lining, with a matching green skirt and jacket. Underneath is a red shirt, with vibrant fingerless gloves.  "So cool!"

Willa was wearing a purple sleeveless jacket with a fur collar, as well as a black netted shirt. She also sports a pair of leather pants with rips and tears and black boots.  "Not bad, princess, not bad."

Wynter was wearing a purple shirt that's ripped at the bottom, a light brown leather vest with a fur collar, dark violet leggings with tears, long indigo boots, and black fingerless gloves. "YOU DID IT, YOU CRUSHED, YOU SO ROCK!! AWOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Vanna was wearing a leather purple biker jacket with a dash of black on one sleeve and red on the other, a pair of black jeans with purple patches, and battered combat boots, along with black fingerless gloves.  "Sweet job, girl!"

"Well, since we're here, we might as well start off with your cheer off" Eliza sat on the bed facing Audrey.  "Now before we start, I need to ask you, is there any bad thing you might've done in the past that would make you look bad."

As soon as she asked that, Audrey's head fell, trying not to cry.  She hated being reminded of what she did, how terrible she was to the people she cared about.  Mal placed her hand on Audrey's shoulder in a comforting way.

"You don't have to talk about if you don't want to."

"No.  It's fine"  Audrey touched Mal's hand.  "There is one bad thing I did."

Little thing did they know, the Acey's were listening outside the door of Addison's room.

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