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(G: Before we begin with the book, read the tags. There are, and will be, many triggers in this book. Even towards the end. Read at your own risk.)

"Madelyn! Get your ass up and ready for school." I heard my father's stern tone. I opened my eyes to see him standing at the doorway with an angry looking face. He's always hated me.

I frowned and nodded. It was my first day and I wouldn't miss it by a chance. I stood from bed and went over to the bathroom connected to my room. I loved my room. It was my only safe place.

I hopped into the shower and lathered my body up with soap before rinsing. I went and brushed my teeth, then getting dressed into a short white dress.

 I went and brushed my teeth, then getting dressed into a short white dress

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I smiled in the mirror and combed my long hair while humming. I applied some lip gloss and grabbed my backpack, happily skipping out of my room and downstairs.

My sister, Gia, was already there eating breakfast with my parents. I realized they were the only ones eating and there was no more food. My smile faltered.

"W-Where's my f-food?" I asked gently and lowly. Mom and Dad stared at me for a few seconds before beginning to chuckle.

"You think you deserve to eat breakfast like Gia does? Fuck no. Get out. You're walking to school." I held back my tears and rushed out of my house. I couldn't hold it in anymore and instead I began sobbing.

I was getting near to school and quickly gathered myself up. All the kids here looked mean and tall. It seemed unfair to me, I was short. Suuuuuper short.

I let out a breath and walked inside the school. I noticed many people looking at me and whispering. Does that mean I'll be popular now? Hmm, I don't know.

I giggled to myself and skipped to office until my face came stumbling into a hard wall. "Ouchie." I whined, pulling back and gently rubbing my nose.

I looked up to see three men looking at me with cold hard faces. Jesus.

"S-Sorry." I mumbled shyly. Everyone was gasping and looking at us. I thought that was very dramatic but maybe that's how people are. I shouldn't judge.

"You're good. Just watch where you're going next time." I nodded at the stern man's voice. He was very pretty. Is that what you're supposed to call a man? I'm very clueless.

I walked into the office to get my schedule and calendar. I then found my way to my first class, softly knocking on the door. "Come in." I heard a mean voice. This school was scary.

I opened the door, everyone's eyes turning towards me. I nervously shuffled over to the teacher's desk and smiled at everyone. "You must be the new girl. Everyone, this is Madelyn." The teacher said.

I saw a few boys staring at my body. I wonder why.

"Madelyn, have a seat beside Kate." I glanced over at the teacher and nodded, going over to sit next to the girl with her hand raised. I took my seat. She looked like she was bored.

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