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I let out soft breaths while resting in Noah's arms. He pressed a gentle kiss to my head. We were both on the couch along with Nick and Haru. They were getting work done from home. Later we'd have a trip to the beach.

We had also started trying for our baby which I was super excited for. We didn't have to use the stretchy rubber we always usually use which made everything feel so much better.

"Bubs." I said quietly but they were still able to hear me. They each hummed in response. "How long will it take? For the baby?" I asked. I was very patient but I really wanted to know when I would have a baby in my tummy. I wanted to rub the swollen bump like the girls on instagram and youtube do.

"Patience, baby. We're taking this one step at a time and we have to plan this out." Nick said, making eye contact with me. I nodded gently and played with the sleeves of my sweater. I smiled and kissed Noah's cheek once he handed me my phone.

I watched my favorite youtube videos while the boys finished up their work. I had already finished my homework which meant I was free. "Baby, why don't you start packing up for the beach. We're almost done." Haru said. I nodded and got off of Noah's lap.

I went to our bedroom and grabbed my Chanel beach bag. I packed towels and sunscreen along with some sunglasses. I added in my sandals last minute. There was still time to spare so I got dressed in some shorts and a tank top with my bathing suit underneath.

"All done, baby?" Nick asked from the door frame. I glanced over at him with a happy smile.

"All done!" I gave him two thumbs up. He chuckled and walked in. Soon after, Noah and Haru followed.

They each put on their swimming trunks and their clothes from before over it. Haru grabbed my packed bag and led me down to the garage. We each settled into the car and drove out. I gazed in awe at everything outside the window.

It didn't matter how much I went outside, I would always be amazed by the outdoors. I heard Haru's soft chuckle. "We'll have to start letting you out more, baby. You know you always have the freedom to go out, right?" Noah asked.

"Mhm. But I like staying home with you guys. And there's scary people outside." I said with a small frown. I don't always catch up on the news, but when I do, there's always usually someone in danger or trouble.

"That's why we have our bodyguards, love. They will ensure that you are safe and out of any danger." Haru said. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay bubs. I'll go to the market and get some strawberries tomorrow! And plushies." I added with a small giggle. They each grinned at me. The car came to a stop. I glanced over at the secluded area.

The boys always brought us to places where it was only us. Sometimes it made me sad. But it also made me happy since I had all of the beach to myself and i could peacefully collect shells with no disruptions. "Come on baby." Haru ushered me out of the car.

I held his hand as we walked down to the sand. The boys picked a spot and placed down a blanket Noah had brought. There wasn't any overwhelming sun today which was perfect.

I was quick to remove shoes and clothing to reveal the cute pink bikini I had on. It was my favorite one. I was about to run towards the water when Nick's voice filled my ears. "My love, you forgot something." He said.

I turned to look at him to see sunscreen in his hand. "Oh." I mumbled softly. He chuckled and squeezed some onto his hand. He rubbed it into his palms and began to rub it onto every inch of my body. Once I was covered in sunscreen, I ran to the water.

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