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"I like this one." Madelyn said with a happy smile. She agreed to let us take her shopping today even though she didn't need anymore clothes. I felt the fabric of the long floral dress she was looking at.

It had a sit going dangerously close to the upper thigh. A smirk formed on my lips. "It's hot, take it." Noah said, handing to her. She was an extra small in size.

Her cheeks turned rosy and she gazed up at us. "Thank you." She muttered softly. I pecked her lips and followed her to the other racks of clothing. My brothers and I allowed her to wonder freely.

She should be able to buy any item of clothing she wants and any amount. "Woah." We heard Madelyn say, making us chuckle. She enjoys shopping just because of the fact that she sees all the knew stuff put in.

Soon I get a call from our assistant. "Yes?" I grumble. This was the wrong time to bother when we're shopping with our baby.

"Um, hi Mr Grey. You have a meeting request from another gang." She spoke. I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Schedule it for next week. I'll go over the details tomorrow." I answer firmly. She answered with a 'yes sir' before hanging up.

"Bubs! Come see these pretty tops." Madelyn called happily. I shoved my phone into my pocket and went with my brothers towards her. She showed us some cropped and revealing tops.

"They're perfect, baby." Haru said with a grin. We'd have to out with our guns out if she wears them. But whatever makes her happy.

Madelyn smiled brightly up at us. Our hearts melted at the sight. "Okay, I don't think I need anymore clothes. I still have lots in my wardrobe that I haven't wore." She said softly, walking to the cashier. We followed behind her to pay.

I pulled out my black card and swiped it. The cashier bagged our baby's clothes and I grabbed the bag. Madelyn smiled and thanked me as we walked out of the store.

"That store looks really cool." She gasped, pointing to an expensive one. Chanel.

I smirked and so did my brothers. We taught her not to look at prices so it was best to spoil her there. "Then let's go in." Noah grabbed her hand and led her into the store.

Madelyn quickly ran off to look at the handbags. We also looked around for her. "Baby, come smell this perfume and see if you like it." Haru called for her. Mads walked over to him and examined the new scent.

"It smells really good. Can I have it?" She asked softly. He grinned and nodded. We noticed two handbags in her hand. One was white and the other was pink.

"You want to keep looking?" Noah asked, taking the bags from her hand. Mads gently shook her head.

"I'm okay with these three items." She said politely, blushing. We each nodded and went to pay for her. The total was five thousand which was surprising.

"Bubs, was it too much money?" She asked anxiously. Noah rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Don't worry about it." He murmured. We soon excited the store with two of Madelyn's shopping bags in hand. It was time for lunch and we needed her fed or her stomach will start to hurt.

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