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(Warning: Sexual content)

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The boys were scrolling through their phone as we laid on the couch. They had a day off today and I wanted to stay at home with them.

I giggled softly while playing with the strings on Nick's hoodie. I glanced over at an unusual photo on Nick's phone. It was a naked girl with a man behind her.

He was on an app. I couldn't quite see the name but the theme was orange and black. The girl was so pretty with this blonde hair and blue eyes.

She looked like she was having so much fun. I wanted to try that so I asked. "Can we do that?" I asked shyly. I didn't know what it was or whatever I was asking for.

It looked too rough but I still wanted the fun. "Baby." Nick said with a small chuckle. "This is sex and I still don't think you're ready for that."

I frowned at the mention of it. "B-But.. I am ready! I want to do the sex." I whispered softly. The boys glanced over at each other with a shake of their heads.

"How about we try something first and if you like it, then you're ready." Noah offered. I smiled and nodded eagerly.

"We need to educate you first, love." Haru said. I tilted my head in confusion. They each put their phones down slowly. Nick gently grabbed my hand and placed it over something very warm and hard.

I looked down to see that I was touching something like a ball type of form. "This, baby, is my bulge. Inside is my dick. It gets like this when we want you and want to be inside you or you just make us hard." Nick said in a quiet, unknown tone.

My tongue darted out to lick my lips. I touched it a little with my index finger before fully rubbing it. Nick made a very unholy and tingly sound.

"Alright, come here." He grunted, pulling me to straddle his lap. He positioned my lady bits onto his bulge. My stomach was exploding with tingly butterflies. I whined softly.

He gave me that unknown smile again and grabbed my hips. I gasped when he started to rock my lady part against him. I let out an unknown sound, making their smiles darken.

It felt so good and I wanted more. He began rocking me a little more and I threw my arms around his neck.

I buried my face into his chest while moving more. I loved it so much and it hurt so bad. "More." I cried. He moved his hands down to my butt and pushed me into him more.

My soft cries were muffled through his shirt. I felt a knot build up in my stomach. It tightened and my crying was louder. "Shh.. let it go, baby." Nick murmured.

I did as I was told and let the unholy sounds go louder. My small body was shaking. I collapsed against Nick and he rubbed my small back. "Fuck.. you did so good."

"I'm sure she's ready after that." Haru said with a small chuckle. Nick pecked my soft lips and kissed my head.

"You did so amazing, my precious baby. You want a reward?" He asked. I nodded meekly. Nick gently laid me down on the couch and kissed my tummy.

I shivered a little at the gesture. "We're gonna put our little baby in here.. so soon." He whispered, kissing my tummy a few more times. I giggled a little.

He soon kissed my lady part which was covered with my pajama shorts. "She smells so sweet." Nick murmured. He played with waistband of my pajama shorts.

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