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"Come here baby." Noah said. I carefully slid out of the car and held his hand. The four of us stood in front of the big hospital building. I shuffled nervously and followed them inside.

The doctors led us to our private room and helped me onto the bed. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt as we waited for the lady that would check my tummy.

Haru walked over to me and placed his finger underneath my chin, lifting my head. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes. I smiled softly.

"I'm okay. Um..will I get needles?" I asked nervously. He snickered and shook his head. "No, baby. I don't think you will but if you have to then i'll be right here." I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Hello, good afternoon." We heard a woman's voice say. She smiled and walked towards me. She held a clipboard and was dressed in some blue scrubs. "You must be Madelyn? How are you feeling honey?" I smiled at her.

"Mhm that's me! I'm okay." I politely replied. She shot me one more smile before looking down at her clipboard.

"Alright, my name is Amanda. I'll be your ultrasound doctor which we're here for but first I will speak to your husbands. That okay?" She asked, making eye contact with me. I felt like a super red tomato. She had just called the boys my husbands!

"Uhm..mhm that's- that's okay." I stammered. I noticed the boys smirking from the corner of my eye. Amanda only let out a small chuckle and went over to the corner to speak with the boys.

I gently fiddled with my fingers and nibbled on my lower lip. I was super duper anxious today. It was my first time having a baby in my tummy and I was not sure how to react. But the boys promised they'd help me and teach me knew things everyday.

I also made sure to take notes on everything they tell me. "Alright honey, could you lay down for me please?" Amanda said. I nodded and carefully laid down on the hospital bed. She went around and sat a desk beside the bed with a computer.

In my view there was a small white screen. I felt Noah gently grab my hand and massage it soothingly. "Okay pull up your shirt, just till the hem of your bra no higher, and lower your jeans a little underneath your lower stomach." Amanda instructed.

"Okay." I did as she said, my flat tummy being fully exposed. Amanda smiled reassuringly at me.

"You're safe here. I only told you to do this so I could place some gel onto your stomach and check for the baby." Amanda explained. I nodded and smiled back at her. I watched her grab the tube of gel and apply it onto my tummy. I shivered at the cold feeling.

She told me to spread it all over and I went and did that. She held a small device and gently placed it on my stomach. A tiny gasp left my lips when the screen lit up. "That's inside your stomach, honey. We're looking for the fetus." Amanda explained while moving the device slowly to each part of my stomach.

I watched Amanda smile big as she then pointed toward the screen. "See that small thing there? That's your baby growing." She said, smiling genuinely at me.

I smiled in amazement. "That's super cool." I giggled. I felt a kiss on my head and glanced over to my side to see Haru standing near me. The boys each had the hugest smiles on their faces.

Amanda took multiple photos of the baby and we got to keep them!

I sat in the lobby smiling at them. The boys were speaking to her about my morning sickness. I was excited knowing I would be able to eat again. The door beside me opened and the boys walked out.

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