Chapter 28

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Kaitlin's POV

5 hours have past and we're still at this stupid hospital.
I just want to go home and spend time with Ross and the kids. but no one's gonna let us leave until I'm "better"

"I brought you some Dr. Pepper. I know that's your favorite" Ross says coming into the room with a cup.

"Thanks" i say taking the cup.

"How are you doing?" He asks.

"Never Better" I say.

"Don't lie to me. tell me, why did you brake like that?" He says.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say trying to avoid the subject.

"Ohhhhh I think you do. C'mon. Just tell me. I am your husband and all. and I'll be here for you. Through sickness and through health. through rich or through poor.
I'm here.
What's bothering you?" Ross says.

"Fine. it's just all of your fans hate me now and the whole thing with you and Mia.
I guess everything was just piling up and I was tired and fed up with everything." I say looking down.

"Kaitlin, you should have told me. I could've helped you.
We could've solved things together. As a team." He says resting his hand over mine.

He makes a small shocked expression when he touches me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. your hands are just cold" he says.

"Well, I did loose a lot of blood." I say.

Ross gives me a sympathetic smile and rubs my thumb with his.

I guess i looked panicked because out of no where he says
"Everything's gonna be okay"
Then he stands up, kisses my forehead, and heads toward the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To talk to the doctors. and to let you get some rest." he says.

"Okay. thank you" i say.

He smiles. And leaves.

I sigh and sink back down into the most uncomfortable "bed" ever.
Thinking of everything that has happened.
and trying to get rid of it.
Hello wonderful readers! Sorry for the long wait for an update.
Busy as usual.
But i hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm probably going to stop this book around chapter 35 but there will be a third and final book called 'Together Forever'
Thanks so much for reading, voting, and following.
I love you all so much!

More updates soon

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