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3 years ago Elena Gilbert slept with someone that she maybe shouldn't have now she had quadrupletss yes four of them. She had 2 girls and 2 boys. The girls Parker and Jordan the boys Logan and Dylan.

She did not remember who it was she had slept with she knew the face. She seen the features on her children but she didn't know who he was and she didn't know if she wanted to know him to scared that her kids were going to get taken from her.

She had to maintain work which wasn't easy with four kids that she was raising by herself. But she tried to make due and her best friends were always open to babysit. Which was great but she didn't want it to seem like she was taking advantage of them.
Hayley walked in with a bottle of wine into her friends house. Although she knew that she was mainly responsible for her getting the job. She would not tell her that she would instead celebrate the fact that her best friend got the job."Its time for congrats you got the job you are working in the design department of Mikaelson Incoporated it calls for cheers."

Elena looked up from the laundry she was doing. She wanted to celebrate but she didn't have time to. She was a full time mom. Trying to raise 4 kids. "Hayley i have four kids." She was happy that she got the job but she had other priorities that were not drinking. Getting ready for what was to happen next was a better idea.

Hayley shook her head she knew that Elena was never one for the drinking especially with there past and everything that had happened and how the kids came to be. But she deserved it. "Caroline wants to take them tonight she says she doesn't get enough time with them. So your free for the night then in two days You'll be working again and you'll be able to not worry."

"Fine." Elena knew there was no changing her best friends life.

Hayley set the bottle down as she heard a door open and Parker ran out. "Anty Hayley." She ran over to her jumping on her aunt.

The four kids had a lot in common besides there hair color. There eyes were all brown like there parents. Parker had blonde hair Jordan had her the same as Elena's, Logan had hair like his father and Dylan had a mix of both of his parents. Needless to say that was how they were told apart. Cause they share there other features besides the fact that 2 are boys and 2 are girls the hair was the dead give away.

"How about you go wake up your brothers and sister." Elena suggested she knew that Parker with be fine with that.

"Ok." Parker climbed off of her aunt and headed to her brothers room. She liked annoying her siblings.

Hayley looked at Elena she didn't understand how Elena was able to do it. "Do you ever wonder who there father is?"

"I don't know but maybe they'll get to know him once." Elena did hope that they would be able to now who there father was but she did not see it happening any time soon.

All four kids ran out of the rooms and ran to there aunt and mom.

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